
What is the most annoying toy you have bought?

by Guest62352  |  earlier

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This isn't the most annoying toy I have ever bought for my daughter, but it is annoying me right now! lol

She is sitting next to me and repeatedly turning it on. It's the musical train.




  1. i agree the musical train stinks

  2. I think any toy that you can't turn off or turn down is annoying. My kids have a play room and they have to keep all toys in there and sometimes I make the shut the door while they are playing.

  3. Any toy without a volume control or an off switch!!

  4. Hah let me just say, whatever your toys say, has an influence on your child. I had a doll when I was little and it said Dadda everytime you pressed it, and that was my first word.

  5. My mil got this book used somewhere for my son- cleaned it up and gave it to him & I cannot stand it.It skips around from story to story without turning the pages and itll just go off sometimes and start talking by itself.I hate it.

  6. A Boo-bah.. but I didn't buy it, a family friend did- and it is oh-so obnoxious!!

  7. The most annoying toy we have at our house is a Cookie Monster toy. My niece gave it to us after we had our first son. Now my two year old will not put it down. You turn the switch on and it laughs and shakes. Very irritating!

  8. Teddy Rupskin has to be the most annoying thing ever invented.  We had to pull the batteries out of the demon spawn little chatter box!  He never shut up, something would set him off in the middle of the night!  If it wasn't for the fact that my neice loved the fool thing I would have pumped a few shotgun shells into it!

  9. we have a fisher price musical train. it repeats the same song over and over. hop on board the animal train, come on everyone...toottoot

  10. I have to agree with naenae0011: the most annoying toys are ones that don't have a button to turn them off!  I usually just remove the batteries if they get too annoying (or just get rid of them!).

  11. The most annoying toy we have is a purple caterpillar that sings the alphabet.  It has five buttons, one to play the alphabet song, and one for each letter A-D.  It doesn't bother me too much except when my husband sits down with it and pushes the color/letter buttons.  Ugg!  That was a gift though, so it doesn't really count.

    The most annoying toy that we bought is actually a wooden puzzle with farm animals.  My son just loves to sit there and bang the pieces of the puzzle against the base.  

  12. ever heard of ferbie's, those were creepy

  13. I got my 5 yr old son a megaphone that has voice changer mode so he can sound like a robot. I hear that booming voice first thing every morning now, right in my ear. "GOOD MORNING MOMMY!" in a robot voice. Bad idea for a toy, really.

    Edit: I see someone mentioned the Boo Bah. Good lord, I hated that toy. My son had one as a baby and I had to 'accidentally' make it disappear one day. I literally couldn't take it anymore.

  14. someone gave my daughter an elmo toy dressed as a chicken and its so loud and he quacks and sings!! its horrible!!  


    and he got this one from my Aunt, I hate it:

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