
What is the most beautiful building that you have ever seen?

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Mine is between Yorkminster Cathedral in York England and on a more modern scale the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai.

These are just the ones that I have seen - not the most beautiful in the world.




  1. Cabrillo Lighthouse.

    San Diego California

  2. Sacre Couer  Basilica in Paris.  The first time I visited Paris and went to see Sacre Couer it was a gloomy, overcast day.   I got off the Metro at Anvers and started walking up the steep hill towards Montmartre.   When I got to the top of the hill and the basiliica came into view, the sun suddenly came out and the basilica suddenly "lit" up.   It literally took my breathe away.  So beautiful.   I think if I ever have the opportunity to visit the Taj Mahal, I might put that at the top of my list.

  3. Home.

  4. The winter palace Peterhof.

  5. I have been impressed by the British Columbia Parliament Buildings and the Empress Hotel at Victoria BC very old very ornate  the Empress hotel has been restored to its former grandeur.  I liked it before the restoration like it even more now.  Nothing like having tea at the Empress.  Very elegant..  Also very costly but worth it.

  6. there is a Mormon temple in Virginia that you can see when driving on the DC beltway, it's stark white with gold spires and all you can see is half of it rising out of the green trees, it's quite a sight to see when the sun is shining on it.

  7. This question just made me realize I don't travel enough.  

    personally my favorite buildings of all time are the barns on the back roads in this country.

  8. In my area..the masonic temple in muskogee ok.

  9. Iran The Palace , which the Shah and his family resided in at that time


    MY home when returning after a long trip away, home sweet home

    OUR nationals capitol's bdg's  Washington, DC  at night time, all lit up

  10. Washington National Cathedral

  11. Taj Mahal.

    St Basil's Cathedral, Moscow

    Brasilia Cathedral

  12. having been lucky enough to travel into many parts of the world i could not pick one or even two -- there is all the old churches in europe to the unusual buildings of the far east!!!

  13. One of the most memorable buildings I have ever seen is the Coventry Cathedral in Coventry, England.  As viewed from outside, the stained glass windows are beautiful.  It wasn't until we entered the building that we (my sister and I) were awestruck by the breathtaking stained glass on the inside.  I wandered around outside through the ruins of the old cathedral and contemplated what it must have been like before the destruction from the 1940 bombings.

    The sheer beauty of the old and new will live in my memory always.

  14. I am in awe of our Houses of Parliament in London which I think are magnificent.  Gloucester Cathedral is also very special.

  15. I would have to go with The Taj Mahal.

  16. There is a building in Prague next to Charles Bridge which is just stunning. It sits on the bank over looking the river which makes for a picturesque setting. I don't know it's name, date of construction or the architect. I feel those facts are insignificant and would only detract from the buildings magnificence.

    The Burj Al Arab is an impressive bit of engineering but I honestly think the hotel is an eye-sore. I don't think the swirling towers they are building will look good either. To me the buildings are just flaunting the cash that Dubai has with no real substance behind the ideas.

  17. the taj mahal ,though i haven't seen it in person yet .

  18. My house in the country (after spending a long weekend at my sister-in-law's house)!

  19. US Capitol Bldg. Washington DC

  20. Used to the think that the Iranian embassy in D.C. was pretty, but don't know if it still is. Thought my grands house was beautiful because she was in it and thought she was rich because she had a dining room and a table in the kitchen.

  21. The Twin Towers, World Trade Center, New York.

  22. A beautiful home I wanted to buy and hubby did not like the town it was in. I still dream about that house sometimes.I never seem to go anywhere but to the woods to camp or town to shop, so I have not 'seen' any beautiful buildings.   Poppy

  23. The cathedral at Cologne Germany (Koln) The Domplatz is extraordinarily beautiful from nearly any angle.  And, on a more personal scale, my beloved husband built me a garden shed that is a cottage sized replica of our house and it is simply charming.

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