
What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?

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What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?




  1. landscape from really tall buildings

    its amazing

    sorry i couldnt make it sound fancy fancy

  2. My rabbit

  3. The Hawaiian island of Kauai -- oops, you were asking about beauty and style.  Let me change that answer to my wife.

  4. A goat at the end of a rainbow.

  5. this upstairs attic of an old pizza shop on the boardwalk. it looked SO abandoned, SO old, so gorgeous <33 i wish i got more pictures.

    edit: ...well, i'm the odd one out, ain't i? XD

  6. most def me<3

    hehe jkkkk jk

    my dog!<3

  7. my old man.

    (no, really)

    other than that.. i had a salvia trip where i seen a buncha beautiful things but that was induced and it didn't last long.

  8. The sunset.. how magnificent!

    God paints such beautiful skies every evening.

  9. Life

  10. Johnny Depp

  11. Babies

  12. I think sunsets on the beach are beautiful.

  13. that would be my cat liam, most beautiful creation by god my eyes ever layed upon

  14. as of this month, the Breaking Dawn book by Stephanie Meyer

  15. Everyday when i wake up and know that god gave me two wonderful children whom i learn from what life is about.

  16. My daughter. Every parent thinks their child is so beautiful, some even when their not. Now I know the feeling of loving someone endlessly. She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I made something so perfect and she belongs to me.

  17. imagining me and some girl on an hill under an tree having an picnic with the sunrising

  18. YOU!


    Just kidding!

  19. I went to iceland, everything I saw there was incredibly beautiful and out of this world.

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