
What is the most beers any had to drink in 1 night my record is 17..?

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What is the most beers any had to drink in 1 night my record is 17..?




  1. 2 SIPS  

  2. well im only 14.. but 4 was my max... i passed out after that lol

  3. 12

  4. 12 long neck bud lights...maybe a couple more, I don't remember lol

  5. This was 25 yrs ago, but I put down 1 1/2 cases of pounders before I blacked out for 2 days. I also drank a 5th of Gold Flake and a 5th on Cinnomin Snaupes. My house burned to the ground and I lost everything. My wife had left me just days before this happened. So I'm sure you can understand the misery I was going through. By all means, I would never reccomend this knid of heavy drinking to anyone.I was literally a drunk for 6 months before my Anal Glaucoma was diagnoticed. After pulling my head out of my A-S, I could finally see what I was doing to myself and my family. I've vowed to never fall into the bottom of a bottle again and to this day I haven't. That was 13 yrs ago. At least when I woke up, it wasn't a scene from Brokeback Mountain. If it had been, I'd be drinking a keg a day to wash my mouth and a-s out!

  6. The record is 119.  

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