
What is the most body fat percentage someone can lose in 1 month?

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I have been working out and lifting weights pretty consistently for the last month, but have only lost 0.4% body fat and the scale did not move because I added muscle from lifting weights. Isn't that a really small amount? How much change in body fat is expected after a month of intense working out?




  1. Hey

    It kind of depends on the person.  Usually can lose 2 lbs per week is good goal.  Don't want it to be too drastic otherwise you are losing muscle.  If you really want to lose this fat and keep it off then you should be doing a combination of weights and cardio.  I combined these using the Your six pack quest routine.  It really helped me on my way.  There was 24/7 coaching, videos, book, meal plan, bodyweight workouts, cardio workouts and a virtual trainer.  I couldn't believe how much I got.  It was so unbeliveable I want to buy it again.  I've even got my family on this program and it's working for them too.  I found it at .  This site also has some good free info.  Also some downloadable reports.

    Good luck with the fat loss.  Don't give up.. you'll get there.

  2. If you eat right and workout properly, you should be able to lose 2 - 4%.

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