
What is the most challenging thing for you about having a two year old?

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What is the most challenging thing for you about having a two year old?




  1. the independence is so nice and liberating for me but at times I want to just say YES THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING PERIOD but i know I cant, hes only two lol

  2. the most frustrating for me and certainly her is the "i'll do it myself" attitude. she tries and tries and never wants my help for anything these days. she gets soo frustrated if nothings going her way in the tasks she's trying to accomplish.  

  3. The talking back tan trumps.  

  4. his temper having a fit when he don't get his way.

  5. ignoring me most of the time. he only wants me if he needs something.

  6. The level of energy I need to try to keep up with.

  7. honestly, never having 30 seconds for myself... I'm so busy with playing with my little guy, dinner, laundry, cleaning, and all that nonsense that I never have 'me' time

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