
What is the most common cause of global warming?????

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Is it really caused by polution or is it caused by gas or is there a scintific reason??????????




  1. Humans. End of story.

  2. you can cook food outside when it is hot and save on electricity. just throw hamburgers and such on a hot pavement.

  3. Certain gases cause Global Warming. An example is Carbon Dioxide. This gas is a natural product of humans and animals. We take in the oxygen and release this gas. The only problem is, the producers of oxygen aren't sufficient enough to process CO2 into oxygen. Another is Carbon Monoxide, and other harmful gases which comes from smoke of cigarettes, cars, factories, etc. These gases tend to trap the heat from the sun rather than releasing them into space, this is called the greenhouse effect. I hope you got your answers. Protect the Earth, the Humankind, and every living creature.

  4. It's caused from hot air spewing forth from panicked global warming freaks.

  5. It is the emission of CO2. Cows also release a lot by releasing gas. Factories and cars release this and cause a hole in the ozone. The heat energy or sunlight gets trapped inside the earth.

  6. Global warming isnt real

  7. humans. gas.. hairspray.. everythin

  8. Gaseous emissions from Republicans are perhaps the most dangerous threat we face in the road to cooling things off.

  9. Algae in the Ocean. Most global warming we can do very little about. It was a great way for Al Gore to make money though.

  10. The sun, which is far and away the greatest heat source in the solar system.

  11. Global warming/cooling is a natural cycle of the planet. The current global warming (which has been going on since the end of the last ice ag 10,000 years ago) has been compounded by pollution caused by animals and humans. These cycles have existed even before humans inhabited the planet, so do you really think that humans are to blame for global warming? Even if pollution ended tomorrow, global warming would continue. This cycle has been balancing climate of Earth for 4.5 billion years. Nature rules, not humans.

  12. The main cause of warming are solar cycles and the Milankovitch cycles.  Human emissions of CO2 probably have contributed to a minor degree.

  13. Republicans cfcs

  14. Flatulating cows, food with too much curry in it, and the bean burrito.

  15. The cause is simple. When everyone looks in the mirror, they are looking at a Global Warming Contributor. You can help out a lot by taking short showers, carpooling, and recycling papers. WE need to understand that the world's resources will not last forever, so we should do anything we can to try and help out a little.

  16. Humans.

  17. volcano erruptions, cow fatullence [farts], CO2  from burning fossil fuels, greenhouse gases.

    those are the main causes.

  18. air pollutants creating more ozone (a gas also written as O3) which keeps in all of the heat the atmosphere releases. This creates a greenhouse effect. Ozone is found in the Stratosphere.

  19. It is a confluence of factors. I would have to say though solar cycles seems to be the most logical cause but at the same time human beings are making a significant contribution. At least enough to tip the scales.

    Think of it like this. There are 50 pounds on one side of a scale and 50 pounds on the other side. Someone comes up and drops a feather and low and behold a large effect is seen in the position of the scales.

    The consensus of peer reviewed climatologist are that not only is global warming happening but that mankind is contributing to its acceleration. This really cannot be reasonably disputed though many try for a variety of reasons most often attributed to politcal ideology and self interest.

  20. It's an Earth Cycle.  It has nothing to do with pollution.  It's a minor effect, and fixing it will only postpone the innevitable outcome.

  21. caused by greenhouse gases that get stuck in the atmosphere, called the greenhouse effect. Can come from cars buring fuel, burning coal, or even exploding volcanoes (as well as much more). Co2 is the biggest green-house gas contributing to global warming.

  22. CFCs.  Sad fact - even if all of America went with hybrid cars, the Earth would still be screwed because of China.  Two factories go up a week in China that are unregulated by any laws and pollute to the point where their workers need masks to breathe outside.

    That's not all though - there is a lag effect to this.  We haven't seen the worst; we haven't  seen all of what our generation has done yet.

  23. There is only one thing that can warm our planet.....The Sun

  24. i think the sun's ray's go down through the o-zone then 90% of it stay's on earth like a "green house". and they bounce back off the atmosphere= UV rays and the pollution is slowly destroying

    the atmoshpere so the rays leave.

    thats how far we've gotten in class so far

  25. well first of all.... gas is pollution and second of all, i really dont think its real. i mean, we might be doing some of it... but we're not the main cause. its just the way the earth is. i mean.... come on! they say that the earth is going to get so bad tht its going to be the next ice age... well... how did the first one(s) start? surely not from cars or other pollution because there was none back then :)

                      BRING ON THE THUMBS DOWN!

  26. Global warming is not caused by let me state a fact that no other presidential canidate, or any basterd advocating that you should get a hybrid.  ONE volcano (which occur more then 100 times a day) is EQUAL to 25 YEARS of driving in the U.S.A.  Next time someone get's a little smart about this global warming c**p, state a fact.  Hope this helps.

  27. hypocrites who tell us to use flourescent litebulbs but own three hummers and 2 SUVs.

  28. Yellow stone park's volcanic undergrowth is a cause, but technically, if there were no humans for animals, it would get hotter anyways. Eventually we'll evolve into fire creatures.. Augh!

  29. it's mainly caused by over using electisity gas

  30. all of the energy that is used all at once, like cell phone use, just think of 3,000 people in your city that uses their cell phone at the same times as u do. Hmmm... think about that, i mean we all need cell phones, like duh!, BUT, do we all need to make uncessary calls umm...NO.

  31. pollution (CFCs, engine exhaust) is the main cause. the methane from cow's hardly amount to anything big enough to cause global warming

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