
What is the most common mistake you see pool players make?

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What is the most common mistake you see pool players make?




  1. Wow, that is one of the best questions I've seen here in a long time. Most mistakes can be corrected but it would be so much easier if a player learned some positive habits as a novice.

    Basic mistakes I see in most players are:

    Not chalking their cue after EVERY shot

    Shooting too hard

    Having a poor stroke, in that they don't follow through after their cue makes contact with the cue ball

    Not keeping their cue parallel to the table

    Having a poor bridge

    Not staying down once they strike the cue ball and ALL THE BALLS have stopped MOVING

    Not assessing the table before they start shooting

    Lack of focus

    That should just about cover the basic mistakes. I can't wait for someone to ask about the mistakes of a seasoned player.

  2. Probably the lack of a pre shot routine. This could include chalking the cue, a certain number of warm up strokes, etc. Having a routine that you go through prior to every shot helps you to focus and maintain comfortable rhythm. It goes a long way to eliminating rushed shots when you are nervous.

    Next to that I would say jumping up before the shot is complete.

  3. Actually the biggest mistake I see people make is gambling money they can't afford to lose and or with people they don't know.  Seen to many fights break out over it.  Someone hustling or thinking they got hustled.

  4. The number one mistake, and one many experienced players commit is....

    ...not pushing the cue through the ball. You should always try to hit the ball so that the stick continues to move in the same direction as your shot after striking the ball, but many people snap the stick back after hitting the cue ball.

    Very bad form.


  5. I think the most common mistake that players make are rushing their shots.  You get into a groove and then you just rush into something with out thinking.

    My most common mistake is that I tend to get sidetracked easy though.

  6. Not having their fundamentals staight - meaning bad stance, bad stroke, etc. Most mistakes are a result of bad fundamentals.

  7. Thinking it is an "easy" shot so they just go ahead and shoot without really taking a look at the shot and end up not making the ball.

  8. taking up pool as a job

  9. drinking

  10. There are two very common mistakes I see.

    1) Letting missed shots get to you.  Everyone misses, the better players will move on.

    2) Not changing their game plan.  You should re-evaluate the game & your best shot before each stroke.  Sometimes opportunites will present themselves that you didn't see originally, or a shot you thought was going to work out originally shouldn't be taken.

  11. Get upset when they make a mistake during a match.

  12. Definitely noy staying down and following through on every shot. I'm sure you've seen it happen, A top of the line player has a pretty easy 3 foot straight in shot on the money ball. He bends down pokes at it and misses. Everybody in the room lets out a gasp. They just can't believe it and neither can he. Never take any shot for granted. Stay down and follow through. Most common mistake i see made by the younger players is no game plan at all. Just get down and try to make a ball.

  13. most common mistake for me is forgetting to chalk the tip before i play that (I've won the game easy shot)!!! i think we've all done that. ooooh that horrible sound.

  14. Shooting too hard and not staying down on their shots!....when the object ball is near New York City and the cue ball has to travel all the way across to Los Angeles....we just feel the only speed is either "hard" or "harder"....while a smooth medium strong with a good follow thru will get you there without running out of "gas" in Kansas!....then we just also have to jump up to see our work instead of staying down until the moving balls actually force you to move!......shooting too hard and not staying down!!

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