
What is the most common object that is left behind when going on trips? for example: charger?

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what is the most common object that is left behind when going on trips? for example: charger




  1. saw a study that said phone chargers

  2. I usually forget to pack my glasses after putting my contacts in.

  3. tooth brushes and tooth paste get left at home a lot

    phone chargers get left in the hotel room a lot

  4. toothbrush and/or toothpaste.

    and maybe stuff you'd shower with and leave in a shower, like at a hotel (razor, etc.)

  5. hmm i always forget toothpaste and toothbrush and i dont go anywhere, only to my dads on the weekends like 5 minutes away. or i forget hair things and toiletries

  6. Sunglasses is my guess.

  7. sounds kinda crazy but i always forget about pajamas...

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