
What is the most commonly used languages in Switzerland schools & Universities ?

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What is the most commonly used languages in Switzerland schools & Universities ?




  1. German, French, Italian and Romansh

  2. Schools, what Swiss said.

    Universities, depending on the subject could be mostly English, although certainly also German (Zurich, Berne, St Gallen) and French (Lausanne, Geneva). I'm not sure if there are any universities in the Italian part (Lugano maybe?); pretty sure there are no Romantsch universities.

  3. French  German and English

  4. it depends to inwhich region of Switzerland the schools are.

    French, e.g. schools in Montreux, Lausanne, Geneva, Lyon, etc.

    German, e.g. in Lucerne, Zürich, Bern, etc.

    Italian, e.g. in Ticino, Lugano, Tessin, etc.

    Rhaeto-Romanic, e.g. in Graubünden

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