
What is the most compelling evidence of life after death?

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Or the existence of a supreme being?

Please share your personal experiences, if you have them!

I'm looking for REAL evidence, not "because the Bible says so" sort of answers.




  1. there's this guy that spent 90 minutes in heaven...

  2. Even if somebody told probably wouldn't believe it. It's got to be your OWN proof for you to REALLY believe it.

  3. our spirits will spend eternity in h**l or heaven. our spirits will not die

  4. Sorry you gotta die to find out.

  5. There is no compelling evidence for either...don't believe in fairytales

  6. JESUS

  7. People tend to discount any experience but personal experience.

    But consider this, corn was found in a bag in North America from some traveling Indians they knew came from South America 800 years previously. They plated the corn to see what it grew. -Life after death.

    If God is so careful with popcorn, why not us?

  8. I have heard, read books on their testimony, met and talked with some people that died and visit heaven. My grandmother was one of them.

    I had help from a past loved one helping me to remember some memories of two past life times in some details.

  9. Near-death experiences might have been if it hadn't turned out that you can have them even when you're in no danger of dying (17% of test pilots have NDE when training in high-g situations).  Turns out it's just your brain freaking out.

  10. Dear friend,

    When individual starts spiritual practice as per the basic principles of spirituality, he starts progressing spiritually. Such seeker can get all the information in the Universe from Universal mind and intellect which is God’s mind and intellect. Such progressed seekers are seers and they can get such information. Website is well known for such research. Advanced level seekers with well developed sixth sense, receive such information in meditation.

    The research on life after death and life before birth are conducted and some interesting information is received. Please check the following web link for details….I am sure you will like it and would want to know more….




    With warm regards,


  11. The most scientific attempt at collecting evidence for life after death was done by psychologist Ian Stevenson who was researching reincarnation. However, even Stevenson admits that the evidence he collected wouldn't be enough to make a compelling case for reincarnation. See the links below.

    I don't find anecdotal, unconfirmed stories compelling in the least, so for now I think Stevenson's work is the best that's presently out there.

  12. Personal anecdotes.  Unfortunately, even if 99% of the population has them, multiple subjective experiences don't equal one piece of objective evidence.

  13. Ghosts....

  14. Dreams. By dreams you can experience, and therefore, be aware of the reality beyond the senses, be it nice (through flying travels) or awful (through nightmares).An advance of Heaven and h**l is given to us, human beings  -and to animals as well- : there is not even one who hasn't enjoyed one or suffered the other at least once in a lifetime... Laugh at those who tell you there is no proof of life beyond matter...and get away from their houses once they are dead!

  15. We are born.So where does our soul come from when we are born.Its not made in the womb.Thats the evidence.

  16. There is no evidence for life after death or a supreme being.Belief in a supreme being is based on faith.The evidence,if one considers it,is compelling against the existence of a supreme being.

    It's a religious argument not a scientific one.

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