
What is the most confusing traffic area in the U.S.?

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I mean, with super congested traffic in the inner city, with 50 exits coming at you all at once, with construction, with no signs giving you notice about a ramp or exit until the last minute, rude drivers, and dozens of people getting on and off the freeway at the same time, with tons of signs as well, and tolls.

What is the most confusing and frustrating place to drive?




  1. Charleston,SC  because there are a million one way streets.

  2. Anywhere in downtown San Francisco.  All narrow one-way streets and steep hills with the stop signs BEFORE you get to the top.

  3. Ann Arbor Michigan.... I haven't been there since they changed some of the streets to 2way but it was this really complex system of 1 way only roads...and you would go down one and there would be a delivery truck parked in the middle of the road and you would have to either wait for a crazy amount of time or risk going the wrong way down a one way street....CRAZY INSANE!

  4. spaghetti junction in atlanta.

  5. If I told you, would you want to drive there just to be as frustrated and confused as the rest of the people there?

    Charlie C.

  6. probably atlanta

  7. Interchange of loop 820 hwy 183 and hwy 121 in ft worth Texas.

    I don't know if it's the worst but it pretty dumb. If you are on 820 going east, toward Dallas, you stay right if  you want' south 121/183 you stay left, it's hard to explain, but  people driving it think it's the opposite. It looks like you should be in the other lanes, so as they come together, people are trying to criss cross.

    It's a mess.

  8. NYC

  9. Downtown St. Paul Minnesota. No street is longer than about three blocks, the numbering is incomplete and out of order, and if you do find a through street, they all wind up at the state capital.

    Also it seems the highway through Chicago has no exit that doesn't wind up at a crappy gas station in a slummy neighorhood that you'd rather pee in the alley than use their bathroom. And on top of that, they have one of the only toll highways in the midwest so if you don't get mugged at the gas station, you get robbed by the state of Illinois. Charming.

  10. Storrow Drive in Boston.  The exit signs are right before the exits, you can't tell if the left lane is exit only until the last second, the lanes are so narrow that the safest speed should be about 35, but folks drive 60+ and bang into each other and the sheer walls constantly.  Getting onto Storrow Drive can be even worse, since there are no on ramp signs anywhere.  If you don't know it's there, you'll never find it.

    Downtown Boston is an absolute nightmare.  Streets that were set down as cart paths in the 1600's, barely wide enough for a car to drive in one direction.  No sense of where you are, surrounded by buildings that go right to the edge of the sidewalks, tiny street signs, streets that switch one way directions partway down their length.  Nothing's better than driving under a highway you can't find an on ramp for.  Following doesn't work, because the on ramps are 2 streets over and virtually hidden between buildings.  Yeah, baby, that's driving!!

  11. i agree, ATLANTA, too many cars, n intersection coming all at the same time

  12. The entire state of Pennsylvania because the roads in that state were built in the time before cars were invented......and have been updated!!! Ouch!

  13. Certain sections of the 610 loop in Houston, TX. Exits from the left and right lanes, people traveling at insane speeds, 6 lanes wide (for one direction), get your @rse over in 2 seconds flat if you want your exit & you happen to be in the wrong lane. Didn't you see the sign? It was there...about 100 feet from the exit. Geez. I hate freeways.

  14. Los Angeles, California (all areas)

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