
What is the most convenient transport from Marco Polo airport to the Marittima - the Port of Venice?

by Guest58759  |  earlier

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I have difficulty walking and carrying my luggage. I am not sure if there are skycaps to get me to a taxi to the Port of Venice. However, I understand that transportation is primarily through water taxis. Do I have to walk and carry my luggage to those water taxis? How far and difficult is the transportation from one end of the city to the other?




  1. The airport is on the mainland and the port is on the island. Luggage carts are free to move your baggage.

    There will be regular taxis available at the entrance of the airport that can take you. It's about a 20 minute cab ride. This is the easiest way for you to get there.

    There is a boat from the airport to marittima for 13 euro. Note that it is a 5 minute walk from the airport terminal to the pier. This site tells you where to find the ticket booth in the airport:

    There is also a bus from the airport to Piazzale Roma which is close to the port (15 minute walking; a couple of minutes in a cab). You could then get a taxi or a #6 bus the rest of the way to the port. There is a free shuttle between Piazzale Roma and Marittima on Saturday and Sunday.

  2. I'm from Venice and I've worked in tourism, accompanying tourists, like you, from anywhere to anywhere. The best way to go from Marco Polo Airport to Marittima is a taxi (on wheels). Talking about luggage you can have porterage service within the airport to the car and within the port from the car to the check-in desk. If you want to not worry about finding this service on site and have a good travel agent, ask for pre-booked and pre-paid transfer service (you pay in USA and you get a voucher): ask for a private car with driver (often they are less expensive than the city taxi and for sure they are more experienced in working with tourists) and porterage service included both at the airport (the porterage service company is called "Trasbagagli") and within the Marittima. If you even want to not worry about anything, book, with the transfer, an escort. It is someone who will wait for you with a sign under your name and will take care about everything until you're checked-in at the pier. This would be the best solution. If you think it is expensive, try at least to ask how much they want then decide. Shouldn't you book this, you'll do it on your own. So, arrive at the airport, ask for porterage (trasbagagli), go out of the airport, take a city taxi, be taken to the marittima and when you get off you find the porters.


    p.s. it is true that the marittima is on one islands but cars can drive there

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