
What is the most cost effecient energy source for heat nowadays?

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What is the most cost effecient energy source for heat nowadays?




  1. Solar heating.  Also, gas (Natural or LP)

  2. the's free..............

  3. the new thermal heating/cooling is becoming more accepted and a lot more cost effecient these days

  4. That will depend on your location.  For me it is natural gas.

  5. The energy source is only as efficient as the insulated building it is heating or cooling.

    Buildings are designed and insulated for your regional temperatures. The HVAC system is designed according to the energy losses of the insulated building. If the building isn't insulated or the heating system designed properly and the building can have big problems....i.e..I have investigated the energy loss and mold in a building that used geo-thermal energy.

    The owner though that would be environmentally better except they didn't insulate the building properly and caused mold in a brand new building. The building would have been destroyed by the mold for not having one room insulated properly.

    Your building and every other building is signed off as compliant because they can't see the energy used. Go to the following links to see the most advanced temperature imaging in the world showing energy production and losses.

    Go to and see how buildings use energy heating in the winter and go to the next link to see why California and others are knocked off the electrical grid in the summer treating the symptoms of solar radiation impact.

  6. The heat pump is definitely the most effective because it delivers more energy than it consumes.  They aren't adequate in extremely cold weather but when used to supplement other heating systems they can dramatically reduce fuel bills.

  7. use a radiator during the winter, the... Sun during the summer.

  8. Number 1 is solar as its free from the sun

    and wind farms that generate power from the winds

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