
What is the most critical issue in the area of science or technology facing man or society today?

by Guest66915  |  earlier

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what is the most critical issue in the area of science or technology facing man or society today???

Whats your opinion?




  1. As an individual social being the most critical is coordinating, cooperating or collaborating with social reality.  We are evolving to the point where we must determine how we are to coordinate with a reality that demands more and more that we are able to repress our instincts for the common good of all those we involve ourselves with including the new scientific advances that come up.  Here is an example.  I take a nice walk in the morning here in California and usually my instincts tell me it is time to remove the pressure from my bladder.  The problem is that the bathroom is in a store on the other side of the highway and I have to walk almost a mile to get to the overpass and then another mile back on the other side to get to the relief station.  By that time I feel as if I have bubbles coming out my ears and eyes and if I haven't let go by then and am soaking wet, well I may use the restroom it the store owner lets me.  If not, well I just have to repress my instincts more or face getting a ticket for public indecency and lude exposure even though I found a nice empty lot on the way.

  2. Recycling all of the **** we use.  If you look upstream (using resources from volatile areas, too much packaging) and downstream (recycling, landfill, running out of places to put trash), it's really becoming untenable.

  3. The ability to produce products that help make our quality of life better at the same time with the minimal impact on the environment.

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