
What is the most critical needs of Agriculture in order to sustain the world's demand for food? ?

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What is the most critical needs of Agriculture in order to sustain the world's demand for food? ?




  1. Honey Bees

  2. Barring the frequent  visits of cyclones, typhoons, floods or droughts, or even insect infestations, I think we should look closely at the global trend to shift to instant cash crops like soya and corn, or maize, which are converted to bio-diesel fuels. I find it absurd that we put priority to these ahead of human consumption needs. Second, we should have a more aggressive  U. N. body ( F. A.O.)  which should monitor excess production in one country and channel it to another country whose production suffers for any of the reasons listed above. In that manner, we avoid hunger, scarcity and high prices of prime commodities - rice, wheat, corn, soya, etc.

  3. A genetic bomb to kill humans will cure the problem.

    Birth control was tried but it did not work. T-6 months

  4. For enlightened people with influence to educate the general populace of the world about the benefits of genetic modification of organisms.

  5. We need a major war and mass starvation and death to reduce demand.

  6. I'd say the most critical need is for the government and environmentalists to get out of the way and let us do our jobs. For the gentleman above who wants the U.N. to monitor food production to control price, that's been tried in other places of the world, (i.e. the former Soviet Union, North Korea, Cuba, East Germany and any other place that communism was tried and it FAILED).

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