
What is the most cynical and overtly political decision Obama and or McCain have made so far?

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1.) McCain's decision to support the Bush tax cuts (which, alongside other fiscally imprudent decisions Bush has made, has driven the annual federal deficit to dizzying heights). McCain, wisely, was against them initially, and, changed his mind once seeking the nomination.

2.) Obama. His decision to throw Rev. Wright aside. Obama attended his church for almost 2 decades, mentioned that Wright inspired him to be a better man and christian, and took Wright's words as inspiration for THE TITLE of his best selling book.




  1. A tie.  But give them time.  I'm sure a tiebreaker will occur.

  2. Look. Republicans are NOT attacking issues but personality (Obama's church, family etc) ... Old Karl Rove's tactics...LOL

  3. You're not even close.....

    First of all, McCain only opposed the tax cuts BECAUSE they were not linked to the cuts in earmarks HE WANTED. He liked the idea of tax cuts, but saw the timing of Bush's tax cuts as an unprecedented opportuniy to impose fiscal discipline on a greedy spend hungry congress, which as you said driven up the deficit. But the tax cuts did grow our GNP, and that growth gives us our best chance to deal with rising deficits. It would be a horrible thing to revoke the tax cuts---it would lead to recession and thus give us less ability to deal with the deficit.

    Obama's throwinig Rev Wright over the boat was a no-brainer---he should've done that quicker.

    McCain's most overtly political decision was ruling out such qualified Republicans like Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani off the table, thinking that he had to name someone as inexperienced as Obama in order to buy into the whole "change" marketing rhetoric we're being force-fed by the media.

    Obama's most overtly political decision was putting the words "capital gains tax cuts" & "middle class tax cuts" in his acceptance speech. They have absolutely no basis in reality and his audacious lies could give him the credibility he needs with regular voters.

  4. 1) the cause of the deficit is partly bushes fault i agree, but it is due to out of control SPENDING.  I'm against surpluses.  A govt surplus means the govt made a profit, and they shouldn't.  It isn't their money, it is OUR money.

    2) yeah, it was a mistake to throw overboard an obviously racist and hate filled preacher.  In my opinion, that is the only SMART thing Obama has done.

  5. If you are going to vote for McCain, go ahead and do so. He is not going to win anyway.

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