
What is the most dangerous animal on land?

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To humans, I mean.





  1. hippos have killed more people than any other animal..

    I know I've always wanted to pet one too.

  2. Malaria Parasites

  3. they say hippos  

  4. Walker, Texas Ranger

  5. Hippos, they are adorable (as a stuffed animal) but when i went to a convection at school they said the lady they were with went up 2 feet away from a lake and a hippo came up and took her head down, I screamed because they showed the hippo on a picture. I am officially terrified too.

  6. Mosquito - kills millions of people every year with malaria

  7. The beast that lurks inside the human.

  8. vin diesel

  9. The Mosquito

    Due to malaria carrying parasites transferred by the mosquito, it is responsible for the deaths of more than two million people per year. In addition, Mosquitos are estimated to transfer diseases to more than 70 million people per year. Even in countries such as the UK, New Zealand, and Japan, where the more temperate climate has reduced mosquito bites to mostly an annoyance, they still cause some deaths every year. [Wikipedia Article]

  10. hmm snakes, scorpions, cheetahs (hey they do bite and scare you)

  11. It depends on how you want to look at it. mosquitos are indirectly responsible for more deaths than any other animal, the Asian cobra kills more people directly than any other animal, the inland taipan is the most venomous snake, but it isn't aggressive, and the hippopotomus is the most aggressive land animal, but doesn't compare to the first two for deaths.


    "Mosquitoes are estimated to transmit disease to more than 700 million people annually in Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico and much of Asia with millions of resulting deaths."

    "The mosquito genus Anopheles carries the malaria parasite (see Plasmodium). Worldwide, malaria is a leading cause of premature mortality, particularly in children under the age of five, with around 5.3 million deaths annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control."


    "The Asian Cobra refers to the Indian Cobra which has caused 50,000 deaths each year. It is also responsible for thousands of deaths in India each year. Its length seldom reaches up to 6 feet. Nevertheless, its hood is much larger than that of the King Cobra. Its venom delivers significant amounts of deadly Neurotoxic resulting in necrosis and respiratory collapse. Its venom is said to result in human fatality as little as 30 to 60 minutes, calculating from the time of being attacked."


    "The Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus), also known as the Small Scaled Snake and Fierce Snake, is native to Australia and is the most venomous snake in the world. The Fierce Snake or Inland Taipan is a species of Taipan belonging to the Elapidae family."

    "A single bite from the Inland Taipan contains enough venom to kill as many as 100 human adults or 250,000 mice. The average venom yield of this snake is 44 mg, with a yield of 110 mg being the largest recorded. Its venom is 50 times more toxic than that of the Indian Cobra and 650–850 times more toxic than that of a Western or Eastern Diamondback. The Inland Taipan has an extremely neurotoxic venom that can kill an adult human in as little as 45 minutes. Although highly venomous, it is a relatively timid snake, provided that it is left alone."


    "Hippopotami are very violent tempered animals. Adult hippos are hostile toward crocodiles, which often live in the same pools and rivers as hippos. This is especially so when hippo calves are around. Hippos are very aggressive towards humans, and it is often claimed that hippos are the deadliest animal in Africa..."

    "Hippos attack humans and boats. Steve Irwin, who used to toy with crocodiles for fun, considered a five-minute sequence crossing a river filled with hippos to be the most dangerous thing he ever filmed. The Discovery Channel recently broadcast footage of a hippo eating a wildebeest. The hippo first pushed two crocodiles out of its way with its gigantic snout to get to the wildebeest; the crocodiles put up no resistance at all. A park ranger in Africa recently sprinted over a hundred yards to survive a hippo attack."


  13. Man

  14. i heard its a house fly because there on everything nd carry so much diseases nd germs. but idk if thts rite

  15. Man!  Humans kill more humans every year that all other animals combined.

  16. When I was in South Africa, they told me the Hippo kills more people then any other mammal in that region.  They are very territorial.  Sometimes people don't think of them as dangerous.  They look kind of cute.  In the evening they come out of the water to graze and usually take the same path, leading to their favorite feeding grounds.  If you happen to be camping on or near that path, you will get trampled or bitten to death.  They won't eat you, because they're vegetarians, but they do kill.

  17. Maybe other humans that are violent.

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