
What is the most deadliest hurricane or storm on Earth?

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I am interested to know. I already heard of Mitch and The Great Hurricane of 1780, and those are all in the Atlantic. If you have an answer can you please send me some satellite picture links? Thanks.




  1. Deadliest is kind of hard to define.  A hurricane can have the most deadly potential but not strike a densely populated area.  Another can be relatively weak but strike a particularly vulnerable place.  Also, there is the fact that until fairly recently,  people along the coast had no idea a hurricane was approaching and little time or means to evacuate.  This is still the case in poorly developed countries.  So a storm striking Bangladesh will probably kill a lot more people than the same storm hitting North Carolina.


  2. Flooding in China in 1931 is estimated to have killed 2 to 4 million people. Flooding there in 1887 killed 1-2 million.  A cyclone (hurricane) in Bangladesh in 1970 killed about 500,000.  You can see a list here

  3. I agree

  4. Camille 1969

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