
What is the most difficult language in the world?

by Guest57597  |  earlier

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What is the most difficult language in the world?




  1. All languages are harder if they are learned as a second language (or third, or fourth, or fifth) the reason being is that when you learn a new language you learn more about the masculine form, feminine form, and whatnot (things that people who were raised speaking that language dont have to think about). I mean, when do you ever think about prepositions??? If I had to choose though, I would choose English

  2. english, honestly

  3. The english language... the phonics system makes everything so compicated and grammar makes english extremly hard to learn!

  4. Any one of these, I reckon:

  5. I heard it was english. Our language can be so confusing sometimes.

    Like "OUGH" has so many different sounds

    cough (AW)

    through (OO)

    Though (OH)

    enough (UFF)

  6. Icelandic

  7. English is supposed to be the hardest to learn if you already know a different language.

  8. English

  9. I pick either Chinese or Sanskrit although it is entirely possible that it might be English.

  10. I say.... Chinese because you  have to memorize 10,000 characters and that's alot

  11. i think it is chinese...I wonder how do they write it?

  12. Navajo, it was used by the American military as a code in World War 2, and I do not think that there is anyone else who can speak it still alive, and it was never broken.

    I am going to add to this and say that technicly, English is not a language. It is many, German, Irish, French, Spanish, and many others, including Latin, and Greek.

    English is difficult to learn because there are no real rules to follow due to the many differnt languages that make this one.

    Speil is German for play,

    Beer is from the German word, Bier,

    Equine is latin,

    Pyro is Greek, Like pyromaniac? Pyrotechnic?

    Rodeo is spanish,

    Montana is spanish,

    Carridge is French as I understand, and cart is the English (from England) equivalent.

  13. Chinese

  14. mandarin

    or japanese

  15. there is an ancient language that only less than 50 people worldwide know, forget what it is tho sorry

  16. With 42 sounds spelled in 400 different ways, I would have to say that English tops the list.

  17. mandarin for sure both in writing and pronunciation

    and no it's not english, that's why it has been established as the international language because of the simplicity of its syntax pattern.

  18. alien language

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