
What is the most difficult task in the world?

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What is the most difficult task in the world?




  1. Remembering that Forgiveness is the key to happiness.

    Forgiving illusions and remembering that this world is not real can be so hard.

    Something that has always stuck with me, cant remember who said it though, is that Everything that is encouraging is from The Divine and Everything that is discouraging is from the ego.


  2. nothing.. everything is possible if we will do uor work perfectly and with our full confidence with our determination to do something.. everything's possible.........!!!!!!!!

  3. Nothing is difficult in the world there is up and down in life my experience is simple no one know what will happen tommorow.

  4. I don't know what the most difficult task is. But I can say what the most foolish task is - to ponder on this useless points.

    No task is too difficult, no task is too easy.

  5. d most difficult task is to control ur anger .anger gives rise to frustations which bloc ur vision to analyse things correctely. if u control ur frustations & anger u will look into problems of life in an analytical way

  6. to know what is the aim of our life

  7. The most difficult task in the world is to achieve harmony within all the waring fractions, countries, religions, etc.

    I wish that it is as simple as "buying the world a coke", but sadly, there is a natural evil in man that breeds hatred and pain.

    God looks upon us with sad eyes.

  8. umm,,studying for an exam i hate exams

  9. mmmmmm wud be to giving a person a change him/her and making that person walk on the right unable to walk on that right path

  10. achieving ones potential

  11. being patient,not the 1 in the hospital silly!,being nice to the people around u,not being egoistic,controlling ur temper!

  12. The most difficult task is to try to become what one is not!. It takes effort, tension, suffering and misery. Become/ be what we truly are that is given to us by nature, the unique gift, to each one of us is the most easiest task. But we won't realize that!

  13. Dear Friend,

    to Sit quietly ,  with Mind without any thoughts whatsoever, for 5 minutes , is the MOST DIFFICULT TASK.If you can achieve this, believe me , you can achieve anything.You become MASTER.

  14. Controlling your own thoughts, emotions, and energy flow.  

  15. Being a mother. Because it's not just "mom" it's:











    housing specialist






    waste-disposal manager







    fashion designer

    AND the list goes on. Try that one on for size!

    -Later Gator-

  16. I feel, in all my life, the most difficult task is living a worthy life.  Above all else in life, it is so very difficult to walk that fine line, not to be drawn away from what you know in your heart to be right and good.

  17. to be good to all & live a disciplined life

  18. to me the most difficult task in the world is having to say goodbye to a loved one.

  19. to serve the mankind

  20. Sharing. Sharing ideas, sharing houses, sharing whatever you have that someone else wants!!!!

  21. Doing what you know is wrong.  And doing the right thing. They do contradict themselves but it's true. I've had to make decisions that were morally wrong, and I've had to do what was right instead of what was easy. Both are very difficult.

  22. 2 please every1 surrounding u......

    as far as i'm concerned, it is utterly IMPOSSIBLE.....

  23. Getting over yourself?  

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