
What is the most disadvanage of having fast food?

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What is the most disadvanage of having fast food?




  1. I find a disadvantage to be the fact that there are nights when my husband comes home and we don't want to cook we immediately turn to fast food.  A homecooked meal would be more nutritious...less costly...and won't clog our arteries half as fast!

  2. All the fat and calories that's unhealthy for you. Eating it once in a while is okay,but often is not.

    Here's an article that talks about the unhealthiness of fast food:

    I hope I've helped you. Have a nice day!

  3. its really bad for you..

  4. Heart disease, high blood pressure, acne, obesity, clogged arteries all of which leads to depression.


  6. None.

  7. That you pay for it later : Weight gain! eek

  8. Grease! It's not nutrional.

  9. Most of them are not healthy..

  10. fat

  11. Fast food are greasy and does not have the nutrients that you need in them.

    They have fat in them and they clog your arteries system with bad cholesterol, located in your heart. If your arteries system is fully clogged with an over balance of bad cholesterol out of the good, you are at risk of getting heart disease.

    Eat healthy food and exercise, it's the best option to not put yourself at risk. Eating fruits are highly recommended, since they turn your bad cholesterol into good :]

    Although you can eat fast food/junk food once in a while, not to often.

    I suggest Subways, it's a little healtheir and fresh.

    But my favorite is Red Lobster :]

    I mostly eat at home though, and cook my own food. I go on websites to look up on how to cook healthy food. I mostly go on Foodnetwork's food web.

  12. from eating fast food, all of the following can and will occure:

    clogged arteries


    bat wings

    thunder thighs

    heart attack

    heart burn

    extremely high blood pressure

    badonkadonk butt (thats bad)


    fat back

    quadruple chin

    wedding ring will no longer fit

    HUGE gut


    and worst of all, you will pass it on for your children and lead them to an unhealthy life style as well.

  13. You're not getting much nutritional value from fast food, it's usually high in fat and generally unhealthy.

  14. Too expensive, too much fat, too much sodium. It's OK once in a while, but not good to have every day.

  15. no nutrients

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