
What is the most disgusting stuff you ever swallowed?

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I had the most revolting experience when my father once forced me to swallow some cod-liver oil…




  1. Either Slim Jims, circus peanuts or marshmallow peeps

  2. An exploded tooth abscess.

  3. ORS and turnip...Uuuf!

  4. Dark Chocolate. I absolutely, HATE dark chocolate. >.<

  5. When my friend gave me duck liver

  6. sushi or baking soda..

  7. Cherry cough syrup.  Blegh!!!  :(>

  8. a burst cyst in my mouth. ooh i feel sick just typing it.

  9. Salutations,

    it has to be a toss up between Oysters, and the Time I had a capsule of Dilantin crack open as I was taking it. Both were equally unpleasant but the pill took a little longer to stop coughing from.Cheers

  10. Liver and Onions!



  11. probably coffe or vanilla extract. Play dough too! lol

  12. odd but chocolate did you know there are 6 pieces of bug in one chocolate bar? well you probably didn't need to

  13. Jellied eels

    closely followed my marmite, spaghetti hoops from a tin and ravioli from a tin

  14. When we were kids my sister and I used to blind-fold eachother and make the person eat a teaspoon of something. I made her eat worcestershire sauce and toothpaste mixed together. Another time I was showing off to my cousin and said I liked cereal with tomato sauce and salad cream on it.She made me eat some. What a prat I was!!

    Also I live on a farm and have had to chase various escaped farm animals through puddles with poo in them ....and got a mouthful of the water.Not nice!!!

    My son says pride is the best answer possible.

  15. Sperm. lol!

  16. marmite. yuck!

  17. the most disgusting stuff i have ever swallowed is bitter medicine or syrup

  18. Cockles!!!!!

  19. baked beans they disgust me.

  20. Cole slaw, cottage cheese, a raw egg, steak tartare, and, kippers and custard (for a bet.) 'Upchucked' the bloody lot, and, went 'veggie!'

  21. Vegemite. I apologize to all of you Australians, it must be an acquired taste!

  22. ?????????????????????????????

  23. I'm too much of a lady to say..............................!!!

  24. my pride

  25. a live fish....... it was nasty when i threw it up! poor guy :)

  26. If I told you I would get a violation

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