
What is the most disturbing thing you've ever found in your fridge?

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I found out that mashed potatoes turn a pretty fuzzy blue color after about 3 months.




  1. I haven't a clue as it was not identifiable. *shivers*

  2. Funny question . . . and close to home too.  After coming back from vacation, my hubby asked me about the shriveled lime in our refrigerator.  I told him that I never buy limes.  So I went and took a look at it, then it hit me.  That once was a head of lettuce!

  3. a racoon carcass..there are many reasons i have and EX husband...

  4. Fuzzy chocolate pudding

  5. cheese . lol

    but outdated mayo was the real killer , we payed dearly for eating that innocent looking thing .lol

    never again . sick for a week .

    take care .d.

  6. a spider! crawled in there n died ewwww.

  7. pig testicles

  8. Can of worms, my son around 9 at the time wanted to see if they would survive.  He's an air force captain now. Opening that can totally freaked me out.

  9. I wasn't disturbed by what I found, it was what I didn't find that upset!  Had to go to the store.

  10. One time my ex husband put a container of nightcrawlers in our fridge. You can bet it wasn't long before he was looking for a used fridge to put in the garage!

  11. a personal pleasure device(d.i.l.d.o.)

    from friends girlfriend

  12. a severed hand,  the joke of my grown-up son!

  13. Yep, same as Jackie Blue....twas quite startling!!

  14. As George Carlin once said " Meat cake's wasn't meat, it wasn't cake"

  15. I discovered that onions will actually grow in the veggie bin after a couple of months!


  16. Not in MY fridge.. but I do housecleaning for a living, and I have found some pretty darned DIRTY fridges in my day!

    The most "disturbing" thing I've had to clean out was a layer of black CAT HAIR on the bottom of the fridge.  I just couldn't imagine HOW all that hair got in there, and so neatly "layered" on the bottom!

    Have a Senior day.

  17. pee, my little boy was sleep walking and i didn't want to wake him up, he open the fridge and peed in there, he was three years old. He had never done this ever before and it was the last time, I grabbed my  movie camera which i had handy and took a movie of him and one day when he got married i showed it to everyone, then my movie got destroyed accidentally by me. I wanted to cry.......

  18. A paper cup of earth worms, It was my husband's who had gone fishing earlier. They were still alive! I thought it was something else.


    My son ordered them from a mail order catalogue for fishing!




  20.      It's not disturbing to me but, it is to my spouse. The big juicy night crawlers I keep for Trout fishing.

         The cold keep them for weeks at a time. Drives me wife crazy though.

  21. Mine was a can of Cherry pie filling!!! almost rainbow colored! haha

  22. Haha! One time I was looking bin the back of my fridge and I found a slice of velvet chocolate cake that had morphed together with a jumbo shrimp. I have never seen anything weirder in my life. It resembled almost a cow looking shape. That's all I got...

  23. my cat - my four-year-old let her in and closed the door and forgot about her. The cat was fine, but really wanted out.

  24. made me laugh. I found a few slices of some kind of sandwich meat that was pushed back in the fridge and it had black and white mold on it and shriveled up. It was very hard to figure out what it was at first.

  25. my shoe! must off been a great night out x

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