
What is the most economical way to buy metal for a back-splash that will be magnetic

by Guest64912  |  earlier

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I'd like to use it as a spice rack with magnetic tins on it. I need a thin metal that is magnetic and I can attach easily to my wall space.




  1. Not to rain on your idea. But backsplashes are often scrubbed clean.

    Which will wear off the paint, being steel they will soon rust and look lousy.

    Anyway, sheet steel is available in many different sizes from;

  2. Salvage a panel from a washer or dryer.

  3. I could be wrong, but I think that Home Depot or Lowe's would sell you a length of sheet metal and cut it down to the size you want. Then, you can use something to frame the edges so they won't be sharp or jagged. That's what I would do. They sell chalkboards in all sizes that are also magnetic, if you wanted to go that way. Good luck.

  4. if you buy any type of sheet metal be sure to purhase stainless steel

  5. You could try a magnetic paint.  

    RustOleum makes one that you can then paint over with regular paint to any desired color.   On their website it is actually called "magnetic primer" and only comes in a dark gray.

    It is usually sold by the quart near the chalkboard paint.  I have seen at some Wal-Marts and some Lowes.

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