
What is the most effective way of getting rid of a cough 3 days before a karaoke night?

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What is the most effective way of getting rid of a cough 3 days before a karaoke night?




  1. Here are a few simple home remedies that will help to overcome cough.  Suck a whole clove without chewing it to soothe a cough. Apples bring a great relief to a person with dry cough. Check out for more remedies and information.

  2. Vicks Cough Syrup always helps me. My favorite is cherry flavor and I take it before going to sleep. Usually the cough disappears next day

  3. Buy some ginger and cut up into slices.

    Put in cold water and warm on stove until the water is boiled.

  4. To effectively treat cough at home, one should boil 1 teaspoon of Mint leaves, 1 teaspoon of Rosemary leaves in 250 ml of water. Stir and strain this mixture and drink it along with 2 teaspoons of honey to get rid of cough within a week. Leaves of Betel also help in the effective healing of cough. Its preparation requires crushing the leaves and adding water to it until it becomes a paste. This paste is then to be applied on the chest area to cure cough and other bronchial problems. Garlic has real healing powers and is particularly effective for treating the problem of cough. To get rid of whooping cough, one should take 2-3 small garlic pieces daily. In addition, extracted juice of ginger when taken with honey can provide a soothing effect on one’s aching throat. Natural and herbal elements like ginger, turmeric, tulsi and most importantly honey play an effective and an important role in treating problems related to cough or bronchial ailments.

  5. Sell your throat on Ebay and trade-in for a new one.

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