
What is the most effective way of getting rid of blackheads?

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Is it with that tool thingy, pore strips, exfoiliating face washes -- what is most effective?




  1. Blackheads are caused by pores of the skin becoming partially blocked and they appear black not because of dirt but because of the oxidising effect that the air has on the sebum (oil) in the blocked pore and also by the melanin pigment that comes from dead skin cells.

    The best way of removing blackhead is to remove the cause which is excessive sebum and dead skin cells. It is important that you use only natural ingredients that are not too astrigent for your skin as harsh products can strip the skin of oil and this will only produce more sebum which will then result in more blocked pores (more blackheads).

  2. exfoliating ...for sure...i mean a tool...and strips will take out the big ones...but not many people have big ones...LOL most of the time girls just have little tiny ones that are never ready to come i think the best way to get rid of them is just wash your face a lot...steam your skin then do a facial scrub...also egg whites helps...once a week i steam my a scrub made out of brown sugar and milk...and then i put egg whites on my face and let it dry then wipe it off...i have really tiny tiny blackheads a few on my nose here and there...and the only way i ever see them actually go when i keep up with steaming my face and using a scrub...but if you have really big ones...sure a facial strip will work for you...ive seen them work wonders on people with really bad ones.

  3. Just pop it with your fingers to get the head out, then put some medication on it to bring down the inflammation.

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