
What is the most effectve martial art skill in the world?

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I want to know what the best martial art skill in the world is for technique and offensiveness.




  1. KRAV MAGA !

  2. I'm a fan of Combat Sambo.

  3. traditional shaolin kungfu is the best martial arts ever!!!!!!!!!

  4. my husband goes to kravmaga he loves it

  5. drunk style mumbatjujitsu

  6. nunchuks

  7. It's the one where you can dodge bullets.  I don't know which one that is though.

  8. .357 magnum

  9. flying fist of badger

  10. the karate chop of death, well, whatever its called when they hit a certain vertebrae in the neck and render their opponent unconscious for a few minutes. i would love to learn how to do that. appart from that, a good kick in the shins or groin always works :D

  11. Depends how good you are at it. I know a lad does Ju-jitsu, and noone can get near him.

  12. That's like asking what the best way to have s*x

  13. sanda (chinese kickboxing)

    jeet kune do

    because theyre all attacking and attacking non-stop is the so-called best defense from the chinese perspective

  14. the most effective is the one that you make effective

  15. Lostsoul thumbs up

    Katana(?) absolutley correct. Each style has a different flavor but all will take you to the same place considering your mind is up for the challenge :-)

  16. You should try your hand at hapkido, thats crazy trained in it for a couple months each session nearly broke a bone. Powerful stuff.

  17. katana 17 has it right . the practitioner is the weapon.martial arts are a tool ,you need real skill to apply.

  18. There isn't one.  Its all about adapting to the situation that is why masters desire to learn all the styles in the world.

    Much like the question, which is the greatest weapon in the world?  The answer is none.

    The weaopn (style) is only as good as the hands that wield it.

  19. shaolin shadowboxing

  20. defently jeet kune do (the way of the intercepting fist)

    taught by the greatest martial artist Bruce Lee. but he isn't alive today so jeet kune do isn't taugh it died with him.

  21. Try learning Aikido because it concentrates on peace, there is no attack.

  22. Shotgun

  23. probably karate or takwoundo.

  24. Ken-po with Kung Fu running a close second.  i would love to study those two forms, but it is not offered where I am.  I hold a 3rd degree blackbelt in Tang Soo Do and a 2nd Degree in Tae Kwon Do

  25. The style(s) that you can get the best instruction in, train hard and realisticly in, and gives you what you want from it. Your question is like asking what is the best car. Any car will get you there, just in different ways.

  26. Running away. In terms of technique, it's the ultimate way to put yourself in a safe and optimal place. In terms of offense you're able to be prepared when he comes after you again.

  27. Wing Chun Kung Fu for street self defence - brazillian Ju-Jitzu for groundfighting - ninjutsu to make yourself invisible and climb walls, muay thai for fitness and conditioning, judo for g*y wrestling, origami for paper folding

  28. the art of fighting without fighting

  29. jujitsu

  30. I believe one of the best martial arts skills in the world is perseverance, a lot of the things like telephones, cars, and TVs were made because people persevered.

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