
What is the most efficient form of eco friendly heating at the moment?

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hi what is the most efficient form of eco friendly heating, energy and pricewise?

thanks for any contributions :)




  1. Set your thermostat to a lower level, if you have cavity walls get them insulated, if they arent all ready. get your loft topped up with insulation! there are grants available for both. the insulation will trap the heat in your property keeping it warmer for longer!! (or you could jump up and down on the spot lol)

  2. depends on limitations. for example solar heating  is free once paid for but some areas have poor sunlight or low levels. (six months darkness at north pole!)

    another answer again  discounting cost of installation is thermal heat via water pipes sunk down deep into earth. this takes heat radiated form the earths core (mantel etc) and  by passing a water circuit through the hot pats of the earth and transferring the heat via a heat exchanger we get free heat. again some parts of the world this is not practical. ( mountainous areas etc)

      overall a combined mix of solar heating and solar power panels as a single unit is the best and most efficient way forward.

  3. solar panels and electric heat.

    The only time electric heat doesn't suck (somehow still the most expensive) is when you're not paying for the electricity like when you have solar panels.

    p.s. solar panels are good enough that they work on cloudy days... even if that's nearly every day look into it, it is true!

  4. Second hand clothes, lots of skimpy layers.

  5. Passive solar and a wood furnace.

  6. I think it's against yahoo regulations to post a link to a question unless it is in regarding to that question.  So don't be surprised if someone reports you.

  7. Well if your house is built/angled correctly, solar gain is the most eco friendly.  Our home in Washington state has the entire back side of the house recieving full Southern exposure.

    It also had two larger than normal sliding glass doors.  We can pull back the curtains on those sliding glass doors (two separate rooms) and heat the entire house that way, just with the sunlight.  It's how we heat the house all Spring, and all Fall.  The solar gain is so signifigant, we don't need any other form of heat those times of year.  

    Total expense?  Having two sliding glass doors on the correct side of the house.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  8. hmmm.....cuddling under three quilts!


  10. Geo thermal energy if one has access to it is cost effective.

  11. ground source heat pump

    solar heating panels

  12. water!

    I am not too sure of how it all works but i know that water is the greatest source of heat and energy.

    I'm sorry i dont have more for you at this time

  13. well, wearing a sweater plain and simple! you wont waste any money on stupid "heating" apliances to waste energy.

    to get warm you should(at home):

    close your windows and wearing a sweater there is no more eco heating than that believe me.

  14. An extra jumper =)

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