
What is the most efficient form of transportation in terms of energy input converted into forward motion?

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The energy input can be gas, electricity, coal, calories, whatever.

I've read that bicycling converts a very high percent of the energy input into motion.




  1. Short distance is bicycle, but long distance is a ship or a boat, since they use considerably less fuel then a plane.

  2. A few decades back the New Scientist published a report that addressed precisely this problem.

    The article considered everything moving: galaxies down to single celled organisms moving in water.

    The winner:

    Human on a bicycle.

    Is not that a reason to spend time on redesigning this device to make it even better?

  3. My horse.  The sun makes the grass grow.  Horses eat the grass, coverting the solar energy stored in the grass, into energy the horses can use.

    I can put a saddle on the horses and convert that solar energy still further, by riding them to where-ever I wish.

    A horse, unlike a bike, car, truck, or tractor, can reproduce itself.  I have bred my horses for thrift, health, and hoof hardiness.

    My horses can work all day if needed, and are able to do so on pasture, or hay in the grain.  My horses have extremely good health, all living into their 30's (and being able to work/be ridden that whole time).  My horses have extremely hard hooves, and are never shod.  Indeed the last two born on my farm have never seen a farrier, and they are now 3 & 4 years old, with perfect hooves, kept naturally trimmed and sound with their riding.

    So, who is riding a bike, or diving any vehicle that is 30 years old, runs on grass, and never needs tires?  Nothing more efficient.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  4. I just fold space, movement without motion.

    In the real world walking is a good way.

  5. Yes bicycles are the most efficient way of converting energy into forward motion, as you can see at the bottom of the page linked below.

    Though actually electric motors are 90% efficient at converting energy into motion, so I think an electric bicycle might be the most efficient, depending on how the electricity is generated.

  6. I would think speed skaters would be the most efficient. They care about wind resistance as well as using the directional friction control of  blades on ice.

  7. The most efficent way to move forward with the least amount of energy is to roll down a hill. Lots of forward movement no input of energy (although gravity is used as an energy source).

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