
What is the most efficient turning technique - beep tests/shuttle runs

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Thank u in advance for any help. Ive got a beep test coming up and have done a lot of aerobic/fitness training for it and want to maximize my score. Is there a best technique for turning when doing shuttle runs? At the moment i run up to the line put my foot down sideways on it and accelerate off that but it seems to take a lot out of my legs. Is there a more efficient way/sports science proven method of turning? Any suggestions are appreciated.




  1. I cant think of a better way really. Stop, turn and sprint back again. How your legs are placed doesn't matter - the leg muscles will still have to accelerate you each way. The quicker the acceleration the quicker your overall speed.

    The acceleration is where your legs get tired. There are a couple of ways to get round that, one is to practise short sprints and the other is to do some weight training on your legs

  2. Try to run at an even pace, dont sprint off from the line, sprinting takes alot out of you! Also when you are tired you have a tendancy to run a sort of curve off te line to not stop running, this is bad!

  3. You're doing it the only possible way

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