
What is the most efficient way of piggery farming?

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what is the standard housing?, what is the best feed quality for pigs?, how should the hygine of the pighouse be maintained?,




  1. Pigs need to be dry and warm enough all the time. In other words, comfortable. Standard housing could be lots of things, wooden, concrete or steel building.  Feed should be corn or milo based with additional soy protein and minerals and vitamins. Pigs will usually dung outside in a corner of the pen. Hygine is mostly common sense, if manure piles up,clean out the hog house. You should visit some hog farms.

  2. Section house...........Doughnuts............thr... out all takeaway packages.

  3. Well, assuming that you want to go into farrow (birth to market) to finish business, you'll need a a few different buildings for your pigs: one just for when the sows are having their pigs & when the piglets are still nursing. You'll need another building for your sows that are currently waiting to have piglets in the coming weeks, either they haven't been bred at all or they aren't due for a while. You'll need to a building to put your pigs in after they've been weaned from their mom.  This can all be one very big building or 3 seperate buildings (for my family's operation, it's 3 seperate) You'll need to make sure they stay cool in the summer (don't make the barn like a freezer, but comfortable) and warmer in the summer (again, don't roast them- they have get to market first!- but make it comfortable.) When raising a hog out to market size you want to start out with a pretty high protein content- around 18%. When they're obviously quite a bit bigger(around 150 lbs), but still have a way to go before market(good market size is between 240-300 lbs) , you'll reduce the protein down to 17 or 16 %. I believe sows typically eat feed that's about 15-16% protein. In addition to feed, you'll need to have water in front of them at all times. You can feed them the best feed around, but if they don't have enough clean water in front of them, you won't get very far. To keep your buildings clean, you will clean them out daily, perhaps even twice a day (typically when you go to feed them, clean their pens out then, they'll stay out of your way when they're eating). What you're going to do with the manure from there is totally up to you & what you think will work best. After you move a group of hogs out of a pen (whether it's the sows coming out of the birthing area or market hogs leaving for market) you should pressure wash those pens thoroughly before you move another group of hogs into those pens.

    Good luck!

  4. Let me answer a question with a question. Given that the industry standard, at least for many of us, is a terrible substandard in all ways, do you think you could break away from the same old mold and offer a better product (considering many will pay extra money happily) by getting away from that horrible factory farm?

    More people are turning vegan or vegetarian because they won't support the horrible mistreatment of animals for food; the mistreatment, the chemicals, the pollution, the whole thing. As I have said to others asking similar questions, there are niche markets for those who are willing to fill them. People will pay more money happily for a product that addresses the issues I just mentioned. I purchase animal products with that in mind, but only because I have young children who don't understand. I will sooner or later go back to a diet that excludes all animal products, but aside from that, I search for, and but products that are available from farms who free range, and who feed well organically, don't jam and cram animals into overcrowded conditions, and do it without the BS because it is the way it should be. Yes it costs you more and yes I pay more (even though I can't afford it) but I do it happily and hope for a time when all who embrace animals do it with consideration. If nothing else, you will sleep better because you did the right thing for the right reasons.

  5. however you want as long as you hold your nose.pew---weeeee----!

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