
What is the most efficient way to heat a chlorine treated pool in New England summertime climate?

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I'm aiming away from burning oil as a source and more towards In-pool methods such as evaporation "slowers" and water covers... thanks for reading and have a great summer.. unless you live in alaska... then i think it's have a great winter! lol




  1. Solar is the best alternative using a roof mounted collector that is Southern facing.  Economically, the cost will be similar to installing a gas fired pool heater but the operating cost will beat the gas system.

    Solar will allow 2 months to your swim season and due to your latitude, I would do some research and find other pool owners who have done the project to see how it performs for them.

    To prevent water evaporation nothing will beat a simple cover however you have to consider safety of the in place cover if you have children or pets who can get on a plastic cover and drown as they are enveloped.  So fully secured covers will cost much more but provide all the benefits of a cheaper cover; evaporation, heat retention, chemical retention and cleanliness.  Drawbacks you cannot avoid, cover obscures view of water that is the first line of defense to the novice pool maintainer that something is wrong with the pool water.

    Also, warm water does not compromise chlorine like the previous contributor thinks.  I think he meant to say warm water needs more chlorine demand when compared to cold water.  This is caused by a number of factors.  Your pool is used more in warmer water and needs more chlorine to compensate the increased use and warmer weather co insides with higher sun angles that expose more of the pool water to Ultra Violet rays that destroy chlorine.

    You're welcome!!

  2. a lot of people use natural gas heaters but if you use this a lot heated water causes you clorine level to drop then you may get algea.algea likes warm water so yuor clorine level has to be higher pool company owner eleven years experince

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