
What is the most elementary "particle" of which everything is made of??

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What is the most elementary "particle" of which everything is made of??




  1. Quark

    I suggest you see this

    massachusetts institute of technology

  2. Unfortunately, there isn't one elementary particle.  There is a zoo of them.

    Some particles:

    6 quarks: udscbt

    6 leptons: e, mu, tau, and their 3 neutrinos

    Antiparticles of all of the above

    photons, W+, W-, and Z

    8 gluons

    Very likely to exist, but not found yet:

    H, gravitons

    Postulated to exist:

    superpartners of all the above, axions, and a whole mess of other stuff.

    If string theory could actually simplify all that somehow, it would be a pretty great achievement.

  3. carbon

  4. That depends on the scope of your question.  The atom, in very basic physics is the elementary particle of which everything is made.  Atoms are them made up of protons, neutrons and electrons.  Neutrinos are a basic sub-atomic particle which were thought to be theoretical until evidence that neutrinos had been captured in a lab in I believe Japan a few years ago.  One could also argue that photons, or particles of light, are the basic elementary "particle" of which everything is made.  Then there's dark matter...It really depends on the scope of your question.  This is a question we will likely ponder for all of time.

  5. Not discovered yet

    There is a theory of string which states that ll is made of strings in 11 dimensions, but not sure

  6. I be live that the smallest building block particles yet discovered are ca led quarks.

  7. i think they are seaching for the higg's boson, i sort of believe that there is no such thing as a completely empty vaccum.

    tesla believed that energy does not directly originate from matter, that sounds correct. i'd like to know more about the angular momentum of the gauge boson(spin? and does it have centrifugal force?)

    i am not sure that if there is a most elementry particle that it could be explained mathematically. being a Christian, i believe in Love and i don't think mathematics can explain all.

    but i have not been to a Christian college and have not had a physics class so there may be alot i don't know or understand.

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