
What is the most embaressing day of ur life?

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What is the most embaressing day of ur life?




  1. Having to return to school after my ex fiance broke off our engagement. Everyone knew about our engagement and when it was over. So when I was unhappy, they knew why. One guy even told me, 'I knew it wouldn't work out.'

  2. i have had some pretty rough days with my mates after going drinking and getting stuck into some quite nasty looking females.

    that story about the restaurant above me made me laugh.


              i'm not really good in front of audiences.But my friend practically begged me to sing a duet with her on school week and i was like, what the h**l, it was my last year in we sang without instruments,soundtracks--just our vocals.when our names were called out, everyone started cheering, we felt so proud,and before we began,we fought for the mic.but half way through, my voice cracked! my friend was so embarassed, she ran off the stage, leaving me there with the humungous laughing crowd. i stood there for like 20 seconds,as still as stone.thankfully,she came back ,and she sang the whole song,while i was just staring(even drooling, maybe) and that's my most recent rila accident. it doesn't sound like much,but you shoulda been here. p.s we didn't win.  

  4. when i had a diarrhea during my entrance exam. I told them i need to use the bathroom but it was really not allowed since the exam wouldn't take that long so I had to tell them the truth. IF i don't go out, people will die because of it.  

  5. OMG! When I met my boyfriends father for the first time! I was invited to dinner to meet his father for the first time and was VERY nervous, so I decided to have a drink to settle my nerves. Well one drink turned into a few, and needless to say I ended up completely wasted and totally blacked out. My boyfriend told me I refused to eat and insisted on drinking. The more I drank the louder I became, and I also would stumble through the restaurant every 10 minutes to use the ladies room, upon returning, I would practically fall into my seat! I'm told everyone in the place was staring at me and laughing! At the end of the evening when we were leaving the restaurant I crawled into the front seat of my boyfriends 2 door truck and refused to let his fathers girlfriend inside the the truck. Apparently I told her to sit her fat *** in the back of the truck where she belonged! His father told him, "Son you really know how to pick them!" I nearly DIED when I heard this story! His mother LOVED it though (they're divorced). Well fast forward 9 years, and I am now married to this boyfriend and we have 2 children together, but this is still my most embarrassing moment by far!

  6. when i was 16 and learning how to drive a clutch. i seen a bunch of my friends so i thought that i would show off in my mustang. i was quite proud of myself and the car, so i pulled in, and stopped but forgot to push in the clutch and the car died. when i started it i bunny hopped all the way out of the lot and my mom was yelling loudly at me. all my friends saw it and heard it. i wanted to just die.

    it's funny now but it wasn't back then.

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