
What is the most embarrassing situation you have gone through?

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in the street school in front of public just tell the story and the best will take the 10 points




  1. I was seven years old

    flying from dublin to new york

    i had a backpack with an walkman in it

    i went through security and some huge guy pulled me aside

    he searched me and emptied everything outta my bag

    he thoughmy walkman was a bomb or something

    everyone in the airport was watching

    and then got scared cus they thought i was a bomber

  2. I have two.

    Number 1:

    I was at my friend's house and I really had to pee, but her toilet was getting fixed and the other one wasn't hooked up yet (They just moved in) And so I decided I'd go in the corner of her backyard. She had a chainlink fence, but there was a bush behind, so I figured it was okay. In the middle of my 'buisness' my crush's dad and my crush pushed the bush aside! They lived behind her and were gardening! I was soooo embarassed!

    Number 2:

    This one isn't AS bad, I was in the grocery store with my cousin, and they had these candies that you put ten cents in for and one would pop out. We put in 4o cents so we could both have two, but they wouldn't stop coming out! Everyone was pointing and laughing an then the manager started yelling at us and telling us that we shouldn't be tampering with the machine! We never went back there again!

  3. When your mother began undressing infront of me. I was more embarrassed for her, really.

  4. Well,one time our bus came late to school.So when it got there I was standing in line and this guy who always bother me and my friend pushed into me on purpose.So I bumped him and he pushed me back and of course I bumped into the vice principle.So we were both pulled aside of course.I could've sworn I was going to get a referral and I was already embaressed by all the looks I was getting.

    So when everybody got on the bus the VP and bus driver came over and the bus driver comes over and say,"So let me guess...." and he creates this long story about how me and this guy{BULLY} are dating and all this ridiculous c**p.They then let us get on the bus but on the way home the bus driver got on his intercom and said,"Where's that new couple?"My friends of course new where I was sitting and told them.Basically the whole bus laughed at us.

    So we didn't get a referral but I wish I did.

    I also have a story of how my crushes best friend got hold of a note saying that I like him{my crush}but that reaches a whole new level of embarrasement.

  5. I was in an elevator full of women. I had to let out a f**t real bad and the building was in NYC and the women included

    A hot Blonde with a blue shirt and some nice jeans on.

    Hot brunette with nice b***s, around my age group, pink shirt, and blue jeans talking about how she loves being single again.

    A hot Asian woman around my age group.

    A good looking Hispanic girl around my age group with nice brunette curly hair.

    I was the only male on board, we were gonna go to the 40th floor, and we had to make a lot of stops, and on the 29th floor, I just could not hold it and let one rip, it was heard >.<

    Most embarrassing moment of my life.

  6. Having to dance with this Russian woman in front of all of her friends and family at a gathering and I didn't know how to dance, but they were under the impression that since I was Black I knew how to dance.  This was the most humiliating 20 minutes of my life.

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