
What is the most embarrassing thing happened invloving your parents?

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What is the most embarrassing thing happened invloving your parents?




  1. We went to the grocery store when i was 4 and the checker was *ahem* on the larger side. after we got done shopping my dad and i were in line and i yelled,                                                                                                         "Daddy, daddy look how Fat that lady is! Especially around her p***s!"                  he was really embarrassed and i didnt know how loudly i had actually said it.  

  2. When my dad streaked naked out the front of our house..... I was only about 5 years old, but yeah that was embarassing

  3. They found me talking to myself!

  4. LMAO, I was late teenage years, and out the back yard with my boyfriend and we were on the trampoline (with a silk sheet) umm and doing the deed you know lol, when my parents came back from a walk (it was night) but the cheeky sods came through the back way and busted us lmao, Mum turned around and grabbed the edge of the silk sheet and started slowly gathering it up in her as she said "Hmmmm what would happen if I took this sheet off", but as soon as she said that my Dad (step) turned around and said "Same thing as would happen if I was to lift this up"as he started to gather up the bottom of Mum's skirt pmsl, we cracked up laughing as Mum quickly let go of the sheet (she wouldn't of really lifted it off lol) and said oooh ok, lol she knew what we were up to, but she wasn't expecting Dad to stuff her up lol.. Was sooooo funny, I will never forget it, neither will Mum lol

    ***Edit**** LMAO Charli OMG I bet she knocks now lol, omg so glad we had a silk sheet at least lol

  5. My MIL walked into our home, and then into our bedroom, finding us naked baby making.

    Needless to say she knocks before entering our house.

  6. My Dad IS the most embarrassing thing. He dresses weird, talks weird , and acts weird. Well, there you have it. He is weird.

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