
What is the most embarrassing thing your toddler has done/said?

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well mine likes to run and have races alot. and i am always letting him win so i pretend to run all slow. well a couple days ago while we were in the store my little man (who just turned two) just got this look o his face and i knew exactly what he was thinking. he said "lets race" and ran away from me at full speed into a crowd of people yelling "mommy mommy DONT BEAT ME" haha i was mortified and people all around me were giving me the worst looks and some even trying to hide my child from me! lol so wats your embarrassing story?




  1. my sister came to stay near us, through work.

    they were in a new hotel, that doesn't have proper room service.

    she was explaining this to me and my 4yo.

    so if i come back from a meeting and change out of my work clothes to keep them clean for the morning, i put my pjs on. no point in packing loads of clothes...

    i have to go down 5 flights of stairs, across the bar area into the restaraunt. i collect my dinner, then have to walk all the way back, carrying my food, in my pjs.

    the little man is looking very concerned. my mummy hasn't got any pjs.

    in the crowded bar area, of course

  2. Oh wow, yea. I can't even think of the times I've been mortified in public. Toddlers can say the most awkward things.

    Once we were in line at a busy store, and I grabbed and simply held on tight to my daughter's hand because she was running around and not listening to me. She started wrenching her arm away and screaming over and over, "Mommyyyy, don't hurt me!" I seriously was afraid someone was going to call CPS on me, lol.

    She also went through a stage where she pointed to random people and declared them mommies and daddies. Like we'd be in a store and she'd see two teenage girls and point and say, "Two mommies!"

    Oh yea, it's been a while, but for some reason, for a while she kept referring to hugging/kissing/cuddling/hand-holding/an... as "making love." So basically we'd be out in public and she'd be like, "Look, they're making love!" That was a very embarrassing phase.

  3. niece and I were at a very nice/fancy wedding. The bride had just finished walking down the aisle, the music had stopped, and the priest had just said his spill about "who gives this bride away". All of a sudden my 3 year old niece yells, "I need to poo poo"! I swear just about everyone looked over at us, and the bride was actually mad. Needless to say, I was mortified and we left.  

  4. My friend's son asked an obese man what was in his tummy.  

  5. We were waiting at the doctors office and we were sitting across from this guy with long hair, black leather vest and lots of tattoos all over.  my 2.5 year old son pointed to the guys arm and asked really loud "what's THAT?" and i said, "umm, it's an eagle"  haha.  

  6. When my son was about 3, we were shopping at a Target or something, and we passed this really overweight woman looking at sunglasses.  My son, in that loud little voice that toddlers have, said, "Mommy, why is that lady so fat?".  I was mortified.  I didn't even turn around or anything.  I just grabbed him and hustled him out of the store.  :)  

  7. We were at church, and my daughter was being really      y. She was about 2 1/2. I took her into the hall because she kept screaming. They had the doors open, and she was being really loud, so I took her to a room to quiet her down. As we were walking past the doors she screamed at the top of her lungs" NO MOMMY, DON'T HIT ME!!!" I was so embarassed because it was really quiet in there, and everyone turned to look at us. It was awful.

  8. My 3 year old quite often blurts out "I don't like that lady" or that man or those boys etc. etc.

    Just about anytime we are out somewhere and someone we don't know talks to us or even sometimes just looks at her.

    She also calls men ladies or ladies men and sometimes will point at people and say Whats THAT ?!? as though she doesn't recognize that they are a person....

  9. my son was 3 and we were eating at a restaurant (he had just learnt how to say my full name and age) I was a single parent and a guy that was smiling at us came over and said hi, my son listed off both our names and ages and finished it with "I don't have a dad" I could have reached across the table and strangled him.  

  10. um...NOT REALLY.

    i mean like they still don't understand whats embarrassing and whats not.

    my youngest brother is 4 years old and they all do that look.

    its normal.

    They're learning how to show feeling.

    They want to try new faces because if they try something they don't like you'll already know that he doesn't like it.

    its OKAY believe me!

  11. my 3 yr old step daughter and i went to the bathroom and she is in an "I'm independent" stage and wanted to wait outside the stall, so i had her hold my purse. there was no one in the bathroom at the time and i needed a tampon so i tried to explain to her what it was so she could hand it to me. she goes "ohhhhh, the tampon.... my mom sticks these in her butt sometimes" apparently her mom was a lil more open with her than i would like... the worst part was that she said this as a group of old ladies were coming in.

  12. My 9 year old (when he was 3) pointed to a lady in church and said "look Mom she has hair like a clown!"

  13. We were at the grocery store, and my son (then, 2 1/2 years old), let out the biggest, loudest f**t, then yelled "MOM!!!!"

  14. We were sitting down at a nice restaurant when the the buswoman (who was a little on the short side) was cleaning the table beside us.  My son who was 4 at the time asked really loud "why is she so short.  Is she still a kid" He kept on asking why she was so short.  We couldn't get him to be quiet.

    Another one he went through this stage of tring to determine the difference from a guy and girl.  He would go up and ask our friends if they had weewees.  It was sooo embarassing.

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