
What is the most evil thing any human could ever do?

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  1. kiil millions of peole for no reason destroy the world spread a diesease that kills everyone in 1 day raping children eating them afterward then destroying all the world monuments and nuking the planet then killing themselfs after every1 is dead          INTRESTING

  2. Senseless, unprovoked murder.

    Thats why I can't get this Greyhound bus thing out of my head.

  3. Whatever it is it's the one that will give the worst karma anyone could ever possibly imagine.  Possibly anyone who has misused positions of great responsibility bringing suffering to hundreds, thousands or even millions of beings.

  4. Being cruel.

  5. kill another.

  6. Killing,suicide,raping....etc.

    is the MOST EVIL thing that human do..

    And i know some people do this.

  7. f**t in a lift.

  8. almost everythin humans do these days are evil

    but2b more personally precise id say destroying another living being's live. Be that killing or dedicating their life to making someone elses  life absolute h**l.


  9. Molesting a child! Just the thugh gets me pissed off!

  10. To rape 10 year old's and get them pregnant and also if you've seen hostel 2 near the end the guy cut's of the man's flesh little by little and eats it while the guy is alive.. and the chick who slices the other girl up.. sick movie.. if you want to watch it I'll give you a link online..  

  11. Have s*x, unprotected, with as many partners as possible, knowing that you have AIDS...

  12. raise their children in the same bad environment in which they were raised, in other words, subject them to the same bad childhood they experienced.

  13. Eat a person

  14. Raping, murder etc because "GOD" told them to.

  15. man aggression for power by any means necessary

    greed for money


    most of all wars for one own personal thing  

  16. Starve a baby to death

  17. I've given this some thought and I conclude that once you get above a certain level of evil there ceases to be countable degrees. Starving and horrifically abusing ones own children, the Greyhound bus murder, the Russian cannibal, genocide - how can one choose which is worse?

    It actually is an interesting question.

  18. Raping and killing childen. And it's been done. That bad enough for you?  

  19. Genocide (killing loads of people). You could leave people to starve for 40 days and then roast them alive slowly over an open fire, while their family watches all this, and then eat them. Or you could disect them, by cutting out their eyes, castrating them (if they are a man) cut off their tongue, and dump them in a forest somewhere. You could add rape before these processes, you could knife people, you could behead people without cutting the main jugular vein. Basically, there is not one single bad thing that a human could do, but rather when you add them together you can make the worst thing someone can do.

  20. say " them "  " they"  

  21. hmmm

    tell someone u love them, hav a child with them, rape, torture and kill the child and then torture the person u 'sed' u loved and then go out on a rapage. . .or u no turning the whole world against a religion is pretty evil too. . .maybe combining them

    yeah i no, im wierd  

  22. Destroy humanity in order to fulfill the prophesy of a holy book.

  23. Pose sick questions that bring to mind the evil that is in the world.

  24. Yeah, v interesting. I reckon anything that demonstrates unnecessary and unfeeling cruelty to another person/animal. As for specifics, well everyone has different sensitivities to different things, so difficult to answer.

  25. rape children

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