
What is the most exciting thing u have done in life? ?

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What is the most exciting thing u have done in life? ?




  1. Jumping off a 10,000ft cliff with a sheet strapped to my back (paragliding). Took 40 minutes to land. Cured my fear of heights.

  2. I once tried Ginseng Tea. I didn't like it.

  3. da most exciting thing i have cnquered is my fear of heghtss afeter going on soome scari ride in thorpe park

  4. bungee jumping - the most insane rush i've ever had

  5. Well im about to be a dad!..thats scary and exciting at the same time!

    Apart from that..i have walked on fire! thats mad and is a metaphore to being able to do ANYTHING in my life and i trully think i can!

  6. Acting the lead role in a play in a theatre , even though i'm very shy and was sooo nervous i threw up in the toilets before . But i did it and loved it and it was the most exciting thing i've ever done . The crowd was huge but i managed to do it . I'm still amazed i did it :P

  7. I rode a quad bike, top speed, first time, down a hill, without a helmet.

    Stupid, I know, but it was fun!

  8. Drove from Aberdeen to the Sahara and back again.

  9. Gave birth it was really exciting evan tho it was scary and painful.

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