
What is the most expensive thing in the world?

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  1. Me.

    Trust me, you can't afford me. :)

  2. time. s***w life.  whats life without time to enjoy it?

  3. gas!!!!!

  4. can costs hundreds of millions for just one machine (such as a car making machine...called "godzilla" or somthin...its like almost 100mill for 1!!!!!)

    - laser eye surgery machines, only about 5 companies in the world make it, so u can imagine the prices on those things...

    -Alien god they go over more than $20,000 for a pc that is FULLY up-to-date.....and thats only like their "low" performance pcs......

  5. Harry Winston Extraordinary Diamond Drop Earrings

    $8.5 million

  6. -mansion


    -new cars

    -trip to some places that are really far

    -enrollment (college and private school)


  7. i herd crown jewels is very expensive

  8. LIFE

  9. "There are only four questions of value in life, Don Octavio: What is sacred? Of what is spirit made? What is worth living for? What is worth dying for? The answer to each is only love."

    Don Juan DeMarco(Johnny Depp), in Don Juan DeMarco

    Nothing can buy love. Life without it is a waste. Riches become burdens.  Company without love suffocates. Faith without it becomes a dogma.

    So, how can one doubt the value of LOVE ???

    One Love !!!


  10. Extraordinary Diamond Drop Earrings

    $8.5 million The House of Winston really knows how to dress up the extremities, as these glittering Extraordinary Diamond Drop Earrings prove. As simple as icicles, yet a lot longer lasting, each will set her lobes glimmering with two pear-shaped diamonds in a platinum setting. That's 60.1 carats all together, and all of it stunning.

    check out more jewelry items on this site:

  11. the most expensive thing in the world is life because all the money in the wrld can't keep it, no matter how many payment you make on it, it ALWAYS gets repoed sooner or later!!

    but if you mean jewelry wise, probably some royal person's necklace, ring or crown!!

  12. Your life.

  13. Saffron.

  14. Do you mean the most expensive thing that money can buy, or the most priceless thing?????

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