
What is the most extreme volume of school work you had to do?

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I just realized that one of my Professors is 3 weeks behind in the curriculum... there are 4 days until my final exam...and he expects to do the entire three weeks worth of course work in a four hour lecture...

Am I going to fail or what? O_O




  1. 6,000 word essay I had to compile a research task that Early Years educators could use in the future. I had less them 3 weeks to gather all my research bearing in mind I was only at the school 2 days a week, and to evaluate it. Alhamdulillah I managed to get through it, and so will you I guess he will just go through the main topics that are needed.  

  2. Probably my macroeconomics class....ughhhhh...that class was MURDER!!!

  3. One of my engineering classes....had to apply what we learned and design a simulatet chemical plant.  Soooo....had 30 hours of homework a week for that class.....and 10 hours for my other 2 engineering classes each....i had an elective that i just gave up on.....but about 50 hrs a week for 16 weeks.   Thats just of homework....not studying or reading books or classes.    

  4. A-levels really did have the most school work which I had to do.

    It was awful. I'm glad its over!

  5. You seem like a real smart girl, I'm sure you'll do good.  :D

    Thankfully, I haven't really had any professors that were too sadistic when it comes to work.

  6. That's nothing; try sophomore year at the hardest and smartest school in my state: Advanced algebra, testing math, chemistry, world history with a teacher that gives u 10 pages that u must read in 2 days to get ready for a quiz; and not to mention litterature class overload.

  7. uh not if you study hard for four day you good .

  8. Taking a 17 week long class in 6 weeks. The most stressful time ever.

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