
What is the most famous German Rock Band NOT named the Scorpions?

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  1. The Rasmus?

    STANFOUR! (new band that rocks. they aren't the most famous..but they should be!)

  2. Tangerine Dream and Kraftwerk have been around since the (60's & 70's respectfully) with it's electronic music and are quite famous around the world.

    Edit: I'm older than you by a few years.

  3. tokio hotel  

  4. Rammstein-Its the only other German I band I know!

    Man how could I forget Accept!  Bad Mr Fitzwell!

  5. At this moment, probably Tokio Hotel (hate that band,) but of all time probably either Rammstein Or Accept. Rammstein's had a string of hits, though, and Accept's only had Balls To The Wall.

  6. David Hasselhoff-  

  7. Amon Duul II

  8. Were Nitzer Ebb German, or did they just have a German sounding name?

    Can, they may not have the name recognition but they were very influential.

    and Rammstein and sadly Hasslehoff may quite possibly be the most famous.


    How could I miss it, of course Kratwerk has to be in the conversation.


    No love for Can? Can was great!

  9. Ramstein hands down. Your question is about popularity. Accept might be a German band that also made some waves in the US but I even never heard of them, they're unknown here (Belgium, the Netherlnds, non German Europe). Ramstein is known and popular all around the world

  10. not sure I know any others.... sorry

  11. My guess would be Accept.  Rammstein is catching them, but Accept did an "anthem" in the 80's called "Balls to the Wall".  In fact, its still one of my favorite 80's hard rock/metal songs.

    On Edit:  42, and I was stationed in Germany in the early 80's.

  12. Alphaville. I think their hit "Forever Young" is quite popular.

  13. Running Wild


  14. I would say Rammstein, because they are one of the few German bands Americans and other English speakers are familiar with other than the Scorpions. However, I also like Accept.

  15. helloween




    Scorpoins Rule !

  16. Rammstein

    Aside from Accept, (who DIDN'T have them on cassette tape at the very least?) Rammstein is widely known for being the Kings Of Pyro.  Spectacular stage performances and  fantastic dedication to their fans.

    Even though one may not speak the German language, the meaning of their songs is evident in the drive within their songs.  Pick out one song by them that catches your attention, then look up the English translation lyrics on your favorite search engine.  What I'm trying to say is, you don't have to speak German to understand the feeling they are conveying through their music.  Here's an example: "Links"

    It's a march. Left, left, left 2,-3-4...

    How old?  45.

    I find, so far that all answers above and below me are agreeable at this time. I can add only one other (worthy) to the list:  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.  (Salsburg, Austria actually)  But he didn't exactly have a rock band...he went all out, he had a symphony orchestra!  But man he ROCKED!Dude, he hired EVERYBODY!  Drummers, strings, whistle blowers, horn tooters, tambourine players.  Yeah, he had a GREAT gig!  His music carries on to this day in fact!

  17. kraftwerk.  dont like em, but kraftwerk

  18. For Metal is has to be ACCEPT

    For mind numbingly idiotic pop fagdom it has to be Hasselhoff (although he's American...gag)

    For electronic...I agree with Kraftwerk

    But the reality is, the Scorps will always be the Kings of the Duetschland

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