
What is the most freindly hamster?

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i want to get a hamster but i want it to be friendly and not bite me




  1. Well, I hear that dwarfs are supposed to bite more (I have expierience because I have a little nibbly one!).

    I also hear that a Teddy Bear hamster, or a Golden hamster are friendly. I hope this helps!

    But if your really can't stand getting biten, try a different species of animal. Rats? Gerbils? You know... But don't take this advice if you <3 hamsters!

  2. I have a black bear hamster named Oliver he has never bit me or even tried.  

  3. No certain breed is any better than another, but if you look for a breeder or for hamsters that were raised from birth, they tend to be much more friendly towards humans.  Make sure to hold them often because I know from experience that if you don't handle them they will bite.

    Good Luck in your search!! ;-)

  4. A Teddy Bear hamster is cuddly and easy to train.  I have had them in the past.

  5. Well black bear hamsters,polar bearh hams,fancy hams, pretty much any hamster wich is not any dwarf, they bite and p**p alot more than other hamsters wich means their Cage needs to be cleaned ALOT more

  6. i had a teddy bear hamster that was very friendly and never really grunted or tried to bite at me also another good suggestion would be a panda bear hamster thats what someone in my old neighborhood had and it was also really good too

  7. If you want a hamster to be already tamed then your best bet would be to visit a breeder and see them handle the hamsters as in pet stores they may not have the time to tame every single hamster in stock.

    If you are looking to buy from a pet store then it may be best to go with a tolerant type of hamster. Syrians are generally more tolerant than dwarfs in rough handling and if you have the odd accident (such as being dropped). It is said that male syrians are more tolerant then females and for a first time owner of hamsters a male syrian hamster would be the best choice.

    If untame you may get a nip but when you tame him/her they will be friendly. Also i have heard that once tame a syrian remains tame for a lifetime. However if a dwarf variety has been left alone for about 2 weeks they become untame. Hope this helps x

  8. A male syrian is your best bet as far a tame hamster that won't bite. Females are more hyper and jumpy so probably a male would be better.

  9. go with a rat.

    they don't bite (mine actually l**k me), are affectionate, love human interactions and spending time with you.

    They are very smart and trainable.

    Also, they are very clean animals and should be kept in same sexed pairs.

    trust me you'll fall in love.

  10. Rats are better!

  11. Hi,A syrian hamster would be the best.They are nicer,More sociable and like to get played with,but sometimes they aren't tame.I would go for a syrian over a dwarf.Dwarf hamsters are more jumpy and hyper.Hope i helped!

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