
What is the most helpful thing that u have done to help the environment?

by  |  earlier

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like recycling,saving water,saving energy,save gas,or planting trees?




  1. I live off the grid and most of my electricity is generated by solar panels and a wind turbine.

  2. i have planted trees and still planting more, i hve always recycled, i talk to my friends about the enviroment and encourage them to become more enviromentally friendly. soon i am going to start growing my own fruits and veggies. also when my baby is born i will nbe using clothe diapers breast feeding there just so many things i try to do to help as much as i can. by the way what do you to help improve the enviroment?

  3. i have not killed a Polar bear

  4. Our family has taken some steps to making the world a better place. We recycle just about everything. We have a small compost. We also try to walk whenever possible instead of driving. We have not yet planted a pine sapling because we have nowhere to plant it yet. When we get a bigger place we will.

  5. I started an international home business training business where we're tied in with a health and wellness company that has all natural products ranging from supplements to personal care as well as home care products.  

    One household at a time I give an opportunity to join my business where they too can make a positive impact on the planet (all in my profile) and as a result I feel I am a better steward of my body, my home and most importantly, our planet.

  6. i have done quite a few things such as not littering, growing flowers and recycling.

  7. Practice birth control....

  8. We bought a Neuton electric mower, Seventh Generation detergent, reusable bags, and I recycle 3x more things then I throw away.  Sadly, still no Prius..

  9. well.. i recycle anything i can, i am a vegetarian, i spread the word about environment, and i am very active.

    idk what else to say, but.. humens made the environment worse.. lets fix it.

  10. Walking. I walk anywhere that I can get to within an hour.

  11. Negotiated with the government an area of land I own for a bird sanctionary for a local bird on the endangered list.

  12. I designed a number of efficiency increasing improvements for the industrial plant I work at, which, if implemented, will save more in a day or two than half our town spends on gasoline in a week.

  13. I chose not to have kids, thus eliminating overpopulation from my particular gene pool.

  14. I stopped recycling after I found out that the energy put into it collectively is greater than what we get out of it.

    Ya know, like how the extra garbage trucks that come to your house burn a ton of diesel, THEN, the plant that further separates the recyclables leaves a large carbon footprint, THEN, more semis to take those separated materials to other plants with huge carbon footprints, THEN, after the actual recycling process MORE trucks to take those raw materials to factories to make new stuff.

    In the end, using unrecycled materials is greener than all the carbon it takes to recycle things.

  15. Uhm, I don't know, I saved tons of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico?

  16. I joined my local Freecycle group.  It allows me to give away my usable items that I no longer need, and I receive the used items I need from other members.  No money changes hands, it's not barter - it's all a gift, and I can even post a request for a specific item.  

    I haven't bought anything new for over a year.  I have cleaned out some of my clutter and it's gone to others who can use the items.  I have received things like patio furniture, clothing, a blender, and lots of books.

    And all the items I receive and offer to others are local, so there is little gas used for transporting the items.  There's no carbon footprint from creating, packaging, or transporting new items.  And we're keeping usable items out of the landfills.

    The other thing important thing I have done is to make a solar cooker from a cardboard box and aluminum foil.  I cook using the sun's free energy.  This helps keep the house cool and saves having to use energy to cool it down from heating the kitchen and I don't use charcoal to cook on the Bar-B-Cue.  I have taught others how to build their own solar cookers, using mostly items that are repurposed/recycled, most of which I received from Freecycle.

  17. I designed a product that saves 50 Watts of energy over the old design. There are 15,000 units plugged in over the world. (that's 750,000 watts) I negotiated prices on lower energy consumption motors so that they were the same price as the higher consumption motors for my companies products. At this moment the use of higher energy consumption motors is saving about 1,500,000 watts.

    Plant your trees but why not take real action?

  18. I think that the best thing  that I have done to help the environment was the construction of a few cow dung biogas plants for myself and for others.  The gas is used for cooking and therefore no electricity, gas, coal or firewood is used while the effluent from the plant is better manure for agriculture.

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