
What is the most humane way to kill unwanted critters? (Mice)?

by  |  earlier

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We have a terrible mice infestation and I need to know what the people think of as the most humane way to get rid of them. We bought mice cubes, traps, and the sticky glue things. I am an animal lover, so can someone please tell me the most PEACEFUL way?




  1. well, honestly, the most peaceful way would probably be the good old fashioned spring traps. I know it sounds/seems bad, but it's sudden and kills them instantly, so the mouse wouldn't suffer at all.

  2. Snap traps. One snap, instant deaths. Not much pain involved like glue traps.

  3. Call the exterminator.

  4. You could learn how to make this...

  5. I think the most humane way is the stick glue stuff because if someone were to comite sucide the most peace ful way is starvation becasue our bodies use up fat and it is a very peace ful death so I think it would be the best way,  i am an animal lover too I couldnt emagine having to do what you are going tru!!   good luck! hope i helped :)

  6. I use the mice cubes, they work really good.  I place it beside my couch in the corner.  I use little end pieces of pop-tarts.  I had one in the first day I used it.

  7. Starvation as the most humane way to die?! Insane. That would be painful and cruel. You could buy those humane traps, and then either release them far away or humanely kill them by making a home-made 'gas chamber.' Just google it. Some snake owners breed and kill their feeder mice this way.

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