
What is the most humble, pretty woman (nationality)?

by  |  earlier

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I have found so far,

black women

and polish,

but I could be wrong

And it does depend on culture and how they are raised. I want to find a good, sweet, humble girl, who has the looks. Where do I look?




  1. Thank you for saying black women :)

    Lately, black women seem to be getting a lot of negative press. I was on Topixs recently and was appalled to read some of the negative things some had to say about women of my face: one women went so far as to call us "female beasts" and claim we were all morbidly obese, loud, rude and have hard maculine faces. Mind you, I'm pretty strong shouldered, but that really hurt to read such I'm glad to see someone appreciates us sistahs!

    As for Polish women, I disagree with what the first poster said.  Look at the 80s era jazz pop singer Basia Trzetrzelewska . She's NOT ugly.

    Thing is, you can't base prettiness or humbleness on the race or nationality of a person.  There are people of many cultures who have those attributes. Cast your net wide, keep an open mind, and you'll find the right one.  Good luck

  2. black women and  white women and puertricans indians(i love their hair)and MANY different nationality(chinese,japenese,polish,iris... etc.)mixed generations(whites and blacks,puertiricans and black,white and chinese etc.) it does depend on how they take care of themselves who raised them and how they were raised etc. i believe every one iz beautiful no matter what their nationality is .so are beautiful on the inside or the outside but most have both.and the place i think u would find them is your heart may be confusing but the only woman u would love would be in yo heart u just gotta wait till she takes place in there.meanwhile u can look for her in the church mall,store,shops mc donalds etc.(if i sterotyped in any way im soooo sorry)

    good luck with finding her & GOD BLEZZ YOU

  3. Ghana and Ethiopia

  4. erm i;m not really sure you can stereotype women in such a braod sense but i would definitely disagree with Polish. All of the women from Poland I have met have been very ugly with pointy features and also have the personality to match.

  5. Inside the heart is my advice and don't accept cheap advice if you respect yourself.  It's not healthy attitude to judge simply by looks (image) and here is why:  If you can do it then so can I and it's you (writer), for example, I could be looking at if I were a young lady making a decision to start dating or settling down as well.  I could easily attach the word ugly to you simply because your nose isn't perfect even tho mine isn't either (I'm role playing here) I do not honestly think like this.  What if I don't like your looks and I haven't even attempted to know you because I'm too busy being snooty?  I'm almost certain you would stay clear of me on the "for life" level at that point due to a huge warning sign right?    So, that's what dating is all about to get to know the person so that friendship can become first.  Maybe you did or did not include all in your info, only you know, but from what I read I get the opinion you are comparing settling down to shopping.  Well, that's only kind of right, yes compatibility is positive thought so you can also consider what is inside a person's shell too ; )  

    It's the same advice I have shared with my sons that a "kind heart" so ability to love and be loved is positive.    As a mother I want my sons to be loved, love, respected, work to relate and be related to, and peaceful without expectations of perfect because they aren't perfect.

    Was writer raised perfectly?  I'll bet there were some mistakes your parents made in their lives that you are able to learn from plus things you learned that were absolutely right on valuable CS.  Our parents teach us wisdom, plus they goofed up too... since they are people too out of all fairness to parents as well.

    Edit:  Maddison ....jeepers...  Settle down hon!   I think you could have related your answer without getting so insecure about it.  Your spreading rumors about an entire culture dear.

  6. I would have to say Middle Eastern women, South Asian women, & many Black women (American, African, & Caribbean, Latin American)

    In actuality, there are humble women in all races but out of all of them, I've met the most humble ones in these.

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