
What is the most ignorant comment you have heard about your ethnicity?

by Guest55680  |  earlier

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No matter your "race," people can be insensitive when it comes to other peoples roots. Tell me your experiences.




  1. that we're all confused and victims of interracial marriage and that neither side of our race can except us so we run around all alone in the world suicidal....

  2. That I am one of the "no good whites" who stole "Aboriginal Land" even though myself or my parents or their parents or their parents did not exist at that point in time AND those in question say this when my taxes pay for their government benefits!

    Hey... I didnt ask to be born in Australia!

    EDIT; Gee some of these answers have really given me a laugh, well done!!!

  3. I once attended a college lecture in which the speaker opined that only caucasians can be "racist."  I was shocked at such a primitive generalization.  The Japanese are famously racist, as are the Chinese and many Arabic societies.  The caucasian race is guilty of most racism, true, but it doesn't have the market cornered as some would have us believe and perpetrate.

    Anyway, it pissed me off that such misinformation would be the source of college credit.

  4. Arabs are Islamic fundamentalist terrorists who believe in gehads and martyerdom

  5. In Australia a lot of the "Middle eastern" people call caucasians "Skippy's or skips" because of kangaroos. I have no idea what a kangaroo has to do with a white man.

  6. that we are always drunk... which is nonsense because i haven't had a drink since yesterday lol

  7. i am mixed race (white british mother and black south american father) I alot of the time people used to presume I came from Africa. I was a little annoyed by this but not angry because these people just weren't very educated about other races and not trying to be mean, they were actually very nice people, they were very suprised to find I was born in the same country as them.

  8. I'm not Indian but every single person in my school says that Indian people are all terrorists and bomb everything, which is the most hideously ignorant remark I've ever heard anybody say. It really upsets me to hear people say things like that because I know that it's not true. No wonder I don't get on with anybody in my school!

    I don't know what ethnicity I am because I'm quarter-Irish, quarter-Spanish and half-English and I was born in Holland but I hate ignorance of this sort. Every single day, inaccurate and false generalisations and stereotypes are created by stupid people and I wish they would stop because they're just breeding hate and ignorance like bacteria.

  9. That my ethnicity is "Pakistani", "Black", "Muslim", "Arab" or "Indian". I'm half-Punjabi (quarter Serb, eighth Slovene, eighth Russian), goddamn it!

    Especially in Australia, since we don't really have any African people, I have met a few Asians (like a half-European half-SEAsian guy) who think they are "black".

  10. that we eat whale every night for dinner and that everyone here likes highschool-girl p**n, and that i try to be white!

    (Im 3/4 Japanese)

  11. Too numerous to list...

  12. It doesn't upset me .. It actually makes me laugh ..

    when somebody not from australia ( and usually I am afraid it is a white american ... please note I am NOT saying all white americans say this) ... tries to offend us by saying things like:


    lol which I am .. but only one great great grandparent was a convict .. the others were all free settlers.

    But why it amuses me is .. that there is also the possibility that the white american saying it to me ... IS also of criminal stock ..

    Before the American War of Independence.. Britain sent indentured servants to the american colonies.. and after the war had to find somewhere else to place the criminals .. hence AU....

    and to be honest .. I am VERY grateful to that one convict great great grandparent .. because I wouldn't exist without him being a thief

  13. I just want to clarify that ethnicity is "Hispanic" or "Nonhispanic."

    Race: black, white, Asian, Pacific Islander, Native American, and 2+.

    I'm white Hispanic.

    Ignorant comment:

    We have enough babies for a football team, we all swim to American, we are always running from the police, we can't speak English, etc etc.  People always confuse Hispanic for Mexican. There is more than one Hispanic nation, people.

  14. That I eat dog meat and feast on whale every night. Japan doesn't eat dog..never ever seen dogs for sale to eat. Also the whale thing...I think it's messed up. Oh and that i'm a mutt because I am half black half i'm not "pure"  I "act white" because I don't speak a certain way or dress. Ok...why can't I be who I am. Also one time an ex friend of mine just asks me "why don't you act like a black person" and I asked "how is a black person suppose to act" ...her response was so ignorant..I wanted to hit her.."you know speak all ghetto like yo yo yo and the N word and homie" not all black people speak like that!!  I find it stupid when people call each other the n word...

    that's just basically it really..

  15. Well just tonight for example...I've seen

    1. "Only fat white women date black men"

    That should be offensive to both black men and white women because its so far from the truth.

    2."any white person who's proud to be white is a racist"

    I'm proud to be white but I married a black man and mothered 3 children with him..obviously I'm not racist

    I could go on and on but that'll do.

  16. that we  smell like b***s

  17. I heard a guy on a radio show who called in and said that Black people disgust him.

    He said that the reason for this was because he didn't like the way that Black people's palms and bottoms of their feet are a different color from the rest of their skin, which reminded him of chimpanzees.

    I was flabbergasted!

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