
What is the most important breakthrough/invention scientists should be working on today?

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What is the most important breakthrough/invention scientists should be working on today?




  1. Science akin to Religion is embroiled in a conflict of interests with business and industry. The main driving force behind new scientific research is to create or find new diseases and human malfunctions in order to profit from the supply of medicines for cure.  

    Stress is the biggest cause of disease, is well known, yet we live in an atmosphere of constant undue pressure at work and in the home to increase susceptibility of man to disease. Wars are not only prohibitive taxing on Mr Bush’s treasury coffers but can be averted with tactical diplomacy. The Earth is readily conquered with a little love and congeniality yet the Superpowers route is warfare, social destabilising and the chaos it has caused.

    Science can create a gas, sprayed upon a struggling and suffering people of varying degree’s appeasing all to a quiet lulled calm, whilst the world is placed back in peaceful order. Yet the half wit moron states there is no profit in peace, which I and many other silenced peace protester vehemently oppose.

    In the stead of guns and arms, much profit can be made selling wares to undeveloped nations. Unfortunately the creation of the free market designed with greed to usurp poor nations of their natural resources at minimal expense has backfired and we find the west struggles under high labour cost which it redresses with increased immigration.

    The world dilemma is resolvable efficaciously without any reduction in the power holding currently holding the reins. It requires vision, diplomacy and a love for world peace, all horrifically absent in Bush’s and Brown’s administrations.

  2. something which lets them know whats the most important thing they should be working at.


  3. We can't know yet.  How soon did the inventors of the transistor and the disk drive realize their ultimate value?  The field most likely to produce useful medical breakthroughs is genetics, and it's underfunded.  Science helps us understand how things work, and there's no way to foretell how any particular piece of scientific understanding can be put to practical use.

    In general, a scientist should be working on things his/her interests, skills, education, and opportunities enable.

  4. I'd go for STD's. More particularly AIDS. Or cancer. Dunno, there's lots of things they could be working on. Finding out about antimatter, in my opinion is not one of them.

  5. I'd like to say something like wind power or whatever to sound green but, we've got everything we need, we just need to implement it.

    2 things I'd like to see are...

    1: Something that creates free (or near free) electric or fuel, even though I'm sorta working on the electric thing, and no I'm not trying to make a perpetual motion machine.

    2: A de/re atomiser. So you can buy something of the internet, and it appears infront of you. Scientists are work on that kind of thing, all they need to do is work out the structure of everything in the world. I mean if IBM can move about atoms...

  6. A clean way to get rid of all our garbage. Like hit it with a disintegrater ray or something. Or better yet make a hand held one and we'll do it ourselves. They'd have to make it DNA sensitive so it would recognize human flesh. People would be zapping each other all over the place! LOL!

  7. Solar energy: continue to increase how much solar energy cells can capture; making it more affordable (even though it is steadily decreasing in cost); and find improved ways to store the energy long term.

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