
What is the most important environment issue?

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What is the most important environment issue?




  1. Pollution, and the SPEW OFFS you are inhaling into your lungs as a result of uncaring businesses who are only out to make a fast buck at the cheapest cost to them.

    Chemicals fall into that pollution category which is what I am referring too on top of other fossil and dirty fuels, etc., and chemicals such as pesticides and preservatives which are used to preserve food and it's appearance and shelf life are killing us in more ways than one.

    I have a factory near me which I reported TEN YEARS AGO which releases STYRENE, a KNOWN carcinogenic (causes cancer) and this factory to this day continues to spew this into the air.  I finally moved because my daughter who was three at the time with asthma could not even play in the park.  When the winds blew in that direction it brought that stench from the factory and it would send us off to emergency as it caused an asthma attack in her and gave me an instant headache and made me nauseous, especially on those hot summer days when it all hovered close to the earth.

    I was out this morning shopping in that area and it's a windy day and all of a sudden WHAM, there was that stench, as strong as it ever was.  I tried not to inhale as I quickly loaded my groceries into the car but as soon as it hit my sinus it gave me that familiar instant headache.

    I recall that NOT ONE PERSON in that area EVER COMPLAINED.  That is what the MINISTRY of the ENVIRONMENT told me too (therefore it wasn't a problem cause people are too busy or too stupid to notice right?)  They said that they were aware they used styrene but since it was the only chemical the company could use to make their bathtub coatings IT WAS PERMISSIBLE.  Long live cancer and sick folks in that factory and community.

    I recall raising that question at a community meeting when residents were opposing some other thing they wanted to build...and the people from Environment ASSURED everyone it would be built according to standard and pose no health hazard to the community.

    I stood up and introduced myself and said I have a daughter with asthma.  How can I believe a word you say when I've been complaining for three years about THIS factory and none of you have done a thing about fixing that problem?  Do you really expect us to believe anything you have to say when you don't even do anything about a factory that releases styrene into the air?

    They had a doctor of science there should see the look they exchanged back and forth...they simply said, we'd like to discuss this with you afterwards, and then did squat about it.  The  Minister said I LIVE NEXT TO A DUMP that's just life...give me a F'g break he probably moved there the minute he became minister and had that line ready for everyone!!!!

  2. Global warming,pollution, waste of natural resources

  3. In a Word APATHY.

    People don't want to believe that they are part of the problem or they know it needs solving but not in their area 'NIMBY' (Not in My Back Yard).

    Global Warming, Recycling, Pollution, Reduced Oil reserves all affected by this and the favourite get out clause is the 'its a hoax' to excuse any action on their part

  4. people are lazy and disgusting i wish they stop polluting the world. i wish they stop building all these houses and stop cutting down our trees nobodies gonna buy them any ways cause gas is to high.  we have to think about our future and start saving the world

  5. global the movie The day after tomorrow

  6. the one nobody wants to talk about or admit...

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